Gastrointestinal System

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Gastrointestinal System создатель Mind Map: Gastrointestinal System

1. Mouth

1.1. - mechanical breakdown of food; begins chemical digestion of CHO

2. Pharynx

2.1. - connects mouth with esophagus

3. Esophagus

3.1. - peristalsis pushes food to stomach

4. Stomach

4.1. - secretes acid and enzymes. Mixes food with secretions to begin enzymatic secretion of CHON

5. Small intestine

5.1. - mixes food with bile and pancreatic juice. Final enzymatic breakdown of food molecules; main site of nutrient absorption

6. Large intestine

6.1. - absorbs water and electrolytes to form feces.

7. Rectum

7.1. -regulates elimination of feces


9. Liver

9.1. - produces bile, which emulsifies fat

10. Salivary Glands

10.1. - secrete saliva, which contains enzymes that initiate breakdown of CHO

11. Gallbladder (the green in color)

11.1. - stores bile and introduces it into small intestine

12. Pancreas (yellow in color)

12.1. - produces and secretes pancreatic juice, containing digestive enzymes and bicarbonate ions, into small intestine