Community Media in Bangladesh

Community Media in Bangladesh - radio, television, and newspapers

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Community Media in Bangladesh создатель Mind Map: Community Media in Bangladesh

1. Radio Stations

1.1. examples include regional radio stations, English language learning radio, campus radio, and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services

1.2. messages attempted to facilitate discussion among community members

1.3. originators of radio messages are members of the communities the stations serve (stations are divided by geographic region)

1.4. target audience was members of rural communities who don't otherwise have their opinions broadcast

1.5. radio messages encourage discussion within communities about specific issues relevant to community members; for example, local politics and opinions (especially from rural communities)

1.6. use radio to facilitate communication among areas separated by water

2. Television Stations

2.1. examples include community television and campus television

2.2. messages originate from members of the communities they serve

2.3. facilitate communication about local issues among community members

2.4. television is a useful medium because it is easily accessible broadcast for community members and a reliable way to disburse information and opinions

2.5. target audience is college students and rural community members

2.6. intended messages are easily conveyed as audience can see people like them discussing issues that matter to them

3. Newsletters

3.1. largely used to promote radio and television broadcasts

3.2. main example is Community Radio Newsletter

3.3. convey similar messages to community radio and television; increase awareness of both

3.4. target audience is community members who might not otherwise know about community radio and television

3.5. originators are community members who in many cases contribute to community radio and television stations

3.6. intended result conveyed in that it promotes other forms of community media which seek to uplift community voices (largely in rural communities and on college campuses)