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Kujoch создатель Mind Map: Kujoch

1. VPS

1.1. Super Specific

1.2. Emotion

2. Avatar

2.1. Who would you enjoy doing business with

2.2. Paint an emotional bullseye

3. Platform

3.1. Website

3.1.1. Trust Indicators Photos of you Memberships Social profiles in footer

3.1.2. Logo / Branding

3.1.3. Personal brand photos

3.1.4. Add blog

3.2. Claim Google my business profile

4. Content

4.1. Identify buckets

4.2. Fill buckets with ideas

4.3. Schedule time for content creation

4.4. Break it down

4.4.1. Topic

4.4.2. IDea

4.4.3. Map

4.4.4. Text

4.4.5. Video

5. Funnel

5.1. Develop a lead magnet

5.1.1. Make a promise to solve a problem

5.1.2. Keep the promise

5.1.3. Gt email address

5.2. Set up mailerlite account

5.3. Add to site

5.3.1. Leadfeeder

5.3.2. Google Analytics

5.3.3. Facebook tracking pixel

6. Powerbase

6.1. USe your emails

6.1.1. Stay front of mind

6.1.2. Move people across product lines

6.2. Identify nexus points

6.2.1. Find ways to Introducer Afilliate Advocate Partner