You Already Know a Little English


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You Already Know a Little English создатель Mind Map: You Already Know a Little English

1. Stressing words and sentences

2. In general, pronunciation refers to the way you say words and stress refers to the emphasis you put on certain parts of words or sentences. In other words, pronunciation relates to sounds and stress relates to where you put the accent on a word when you speak. For example: ‘This cake is delicious!’

2.1. Sussing out sounds

3. Realising that You Already Know a Little English

3.1. It doesn’t matter what age you are or where you come from, there’s a very good chance that you know quite a bit of English already.

4. Avoiding False Friends across the Languages

4.1. When we speak about false friends in terms of languages, we mean two words that look and/or sound similar in two different languages but have very different meanings.

5. Meeting Some Differences between British and American English

5.1. Many words differ between American and British English. For example, British English often uses the present perfect tense to describe a recently completed action, while American English uses the past simple.

5.1.1. American English : -Anyplace -Fall -Check -Cookie -Trunk

5.1.2. British English : -Anywhere -Autumn -Bill ( in a restaurant) -Biscuit -Chemist

6. Using International Words in English

6.1. International words or loan words are words that English has borrowed from other languages. You may find a word or two from your own language, because English has borrowed from almost all world languages at some point.

7. Perfecting Pronunciation and Stress

8. Exercises

8.1. Straight Talking

8.2. Fun & Games