Целевая аудитория
создатель Ксения Устинова
1. Stakeholders
1.1. Project Sponsor
1.2. Project Manager
1.3. Developers
1.4. Primary User Group
1.5. Supporting Staff
2. Notes
3. Новый узел
4. Новый узел
5. Project Information
5.1. Definition
5.2. Items to be Delivered
5.3. Extent
5.3.1. Included
5.3.2. Excluded
6. Limitations
6.1. Budget
6.1.1. Materials
6.1.2. Personel
6.1.3. Services
6.1.4. Duration
6.2. Delivery Timeline
6.3. Requirements
7. Actions
7.1. Define Project Schedule
7.1.1. Dependencies
7.1.2. Milestones
7.2. Limitations
7.2.1. Schedule
7.2.2. Budget
7.3. Define Project Development Measurement
7.3.1. KPI's
8. Schedule
8.1. Project Start
8.1.1. Project specifications
8.1.2. End User requirements
8.1.3. Action points sign-off
8.2. Development Stage 1
8.2.1. Define actions as necessary