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A Euroean Green Deal создатель Mind Map: A Euroean Green Deal

1. Biodiversity

1.1. -increasing organic farming and biodiversity-rich landscape features on agricultural land; -halting and reversing the decline of pollinators -reducing the use and harmfulness of pesticides by 50% by 2030

2. Clean energy

2.1. -prioritise energy efficiency and develop a power sector based largely on renewable sources; -secure and affordable EU energy supply; -fully integrated, interconnected and digitalised EU energy market.

3. Sustainable industry

3.1. -efforts will focus first on resource intense sectors such as: textiles, construction, electronics, plastics; -all packaging in the EU is reusable or recyclable by 2030; -consumption patterns away from single or limited use products.

4. Sustainable mobility

4.1. -reduce gas emissions a 90% reduction in these emissions by 2050; -automated mobility and smart traffic management system; -more freight should be transported by rail or water; -stricter standards on pollution by cars.

5. Sustainable agriculture

5.1. -building a sustainable food system through the Farm to Fork strategy; -adding to the new biodiversity strategy by protecting and enhancing the variety of plants and animals in the rural ecosystem; -supporting the updated forestry strategy, to be announced in 2020, by maintaining healthy forests; -contributing to a zero pollution action plan, to be set out in 2021, by safeguarding natural resources such as water, air and soil.

6. From Farm to Fork

6.1. -reduce the use of chemical and more hazardous pesticides by 50% -reduce nutrient losses by at least 50%, while ensuring no deterioration on soil fertility -reduce fertilizer use by at least 20% -sale of antimicrobials for farmed animals and in aquaculture by 50%.

7. Building and renovating

7.1. -strict enforcement of rules on energy performance of buildings; -more climate-proofing of buildings; -increased digitalisation.

8. Eliminating pollution

8.1. Clean water: -preserve biodiversity in our lakes, rivers and wetlands; -reduce pollution from excess nutrients thanks to the Farm to Fork strategy; -reduce particularly harmful pollution from micro-plastics and pharmaceuticals. Clean Air: -review air quality standards in line with the World Health Organization guidelines; -provide support to local authorities to achieve cleaner air for our citizens.

9. Climate action

9.1. -EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector, industry and flights within the EU; -national targets for sectors outside emissions trading, such as transport, buildings and agriculture; -ensuring our forests and land contribute to the fight against climate change.