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Globalization создатель Mind Map: Globalization

1. main drivers

1.1. material factors

1.1.1. technology

1.1.2. transportation

1.2. ideal factors

1.2.1. changes in thinking

1.2.2. changes in ideas

1.2.3. changes in information

1.2.4. changes in knowledge

2. theorizing

2.1. Imperialism

2.2. Colonialism

2.3. Americanization

2.4. Development

2.4.1. import-substitution Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI )

2.4.2. dependency theory

2.4.3. world system theory

3. major types

3.1. Economic

3.2. Political

3.3. Cultural

3.4. Religion

3.5. Science

3.6. Health and Medicine

3.7. Education

3.8. Sport

4. disadvantages

4.1. pollutions

4.2. global warming

4.3. climate change

4.4. terrorism

4.5. job insecurity

4.6. outsourcing

4.7. exploitation

5. metaphors used

5.1. Liquidity

5.2. Solidity

5.2.1. Man-made Barrier The Great Wall of China The Berlin Wall

5.2.2. Natural Barrier mountains seas oceans

6. History and Origins

6.1. Hardwired

6.1.1. trade ( commerce )

6.1.2. missionary work ( religion )

6.1.3. adventures ( politics )

6.1.4. conquest ( warfare )

6.2. Cycles

6.3. Epochs

6.4. Events

6.5. Broader, More Recent Changes

7. advantages

7.1. access to new cultures

7.2. advancement of technologies

7.3. lower costs for products

7.4. more jobs opportunities