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Peer Assessment создатель Mind Map: Peer Assessment

1. Peer Grading

1.1. Students assume the role of a teacher

1.2. rubric

1.2.1. designed for the assignment

1.2.2. give example answers practice how to apply the rubric

1.2.3. should be objective

1.2.4. if there is room for subjectivity moderation is required less scalable

1.3. students understand the assessor's side

1.3.1. improve their performance

1.4. program may reward students for peer-grading

2. Mantle of the expert

2.1. Students act as experts

2.1.1. make judgements

2.1.2. justify their judgements

2.1.3. reflective and critical about the judging process

2.1.4. responsible for working effectively and efficiently

2.1.5. explore sufficient range of perspectives

2.2. Students who are authors negotiate with experts

2.2.1. expectations

2.2.2. provide feedback on their assessment

2.3. teacher is a regulator

2.3.1. may provide the assessment of assessors

2.4. aim

2.4.1. build moderation

2.4.2. reflective deliberation

2.5. builds a community of peer assessment and feedback

2.6. immersive experience

2.7. originates from drama workshops

3. Micro-feedback

3.1. comes from social media

3.2. students 'like' or 'star' the work

3.3. students may give feedback on the review

3.4. students may be divided in groups

3.4.1. to make sure everybody reviews all the work

4. Assessing teaching

4.1. in group or pairs

4.2. each student teaches a different concept

4.2.1. they come up with an appropriate way of teaching it

4.2.2. should be more than just a slide show

4.3. students have to be offered many modes of teaching

5. Multiple critical perspectives

5.1. students will need a lot of support

5.1.1. understanding that a work can be viewed from different perspectives may not be familiar

5.2. Assessment of work from one perspective in full

5.2.1. When we compare assessments from different perspectives

5.3. compare different perspectives

5.4. come up with a conclusion

5.5. if two perspectives are very different

5.5.1. teacher might act as moderator

5.5.2. students may act as moderators

5.5.3. opportunity for learning

6. Applying shared knowledge

6.1. apply learning in different context

6.2. reflect on the difference between the theory given in class and the real life application

6.3. assessing the application of theory on specific example

6.4. assessing the description of the specific local situation

6.5. assessing how well they explain the impact of the local context on the application of the theory

6.6. gives the assessing student a clearer sense of what and how they are assessing.