Issues around using templates

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Issues around using templates создатель Mind Map: Issues around using templates

1. do all research projects want the same thing?

1.1. sharing files

1.1.1. New node

1.2. commenting on files

1.3. publicising their project

1.4. New node

2. how much guidance do we have to give? e.g. what if someone sets up a discussion forum without realising how much time it takes

3. what happens if people want things that CamTools can't yet offer?

4. How practical do we have to be? Do we need to stick to what CT offers now?

5. what basics could there be?

5.1. "small research project"

5.1.1. easy to use project calendar

5.2. "website"

5.2.1. home page

5.2.2. contact us page

5.2.3. about the project page

5.2.4. incorporate project logo on every page

5.2.5. incorporate sponsor's logo somewhere

5.2.6. change colours to fit with project logo

5.2.7. research team page

5.2.8. project blog page

5.2.9. project events page

5.3. "simple support for lecture course"

5.3.1. share readings / powerpoints / handouts for this week

5.3.2. share all readings / powerpoints / handouts for the whole course

5.3.3. way of contacting the students on the course

5.3.4. way of checking who has read the work / encouraging students to feel that they are part of a community doing the work (like Circlespace) ?

5.3.5. space for an appropriate image or logo

5.3.6. place for putting supporting / general interest material

5.3.7. easy to add extra pages (e.g.

5.4. "simple support for supervisions"

5.4.1. handouts for students

5.4.2. assignments for students

5.4.3. space to display worked examples

5.4.4. links to study skills pages

5.4.5. way for students to hand in essays online (does this really encourage them to hand them in late? seems to be more popular than I would imagine)

5.5. "conference website"

5.5.1. form for people to fill in

5.5.2. conference programme

5.5.3. contact details

5.5.4. home page

5.5.5. conference report

5.5.6. photos of conference

5.6. reading group

5.6.1. way to notify people about meetings of the group (link into ?)

5.6.2. public page so that people can find out about the existence of this group?

5.6.3. way to get the upcoming readings

5.6.4. way to get the past readings

5.6.5. way to look at upcoming readings

5.6.6. poss three pages done automatically (bit like - home page has this week's details and the readings; 'previous meetings' page holds previous details (or a cut down version of previous details) and the readings; 'upcoming meetings' page holds details of upcoming meetings and their readings

5.6.7. need way to allow people to make each page public or private, but at the same time to respect the copyright on the readings (note that we believe that scanning and uploading readings for reading groups is not covered by the scanning license??)

5.6.8. info about the convenors

5.6.9. easy way to invite people into your reading group

5.6.10. easy way to request to join a reading group mailing list if appropriate

5.6.11. easy way to request to join a reading group and see pages / download handouts if they are generally kept private

5.7. student study group (from Umme's descriptions in the Academic Networking project)

5.7.1. info about who is a member of this study group (maybe their pictures and contact details, maybe even mobile numbers)

5.7.2. somewhere to share documents of various sorts, labelled with who contributed them and when (people )

5.7.3. maybe if you set up a study group with people, they automatically get created as members of your network

5.7.4. a way to share photos / images, and to leave comments on them ? (optional)

5.7.5. a way to comment on / hold discussions on other people's documents

5.7.6. a way to write info straight onto pages ? a sort of wiki like idea

5.7.7. a way to organise face-to-face meetings (e.g. something like meetomatic to work out when people are available, some way of notifying people when and where the next meeting is)

5.7.8. info about who has read which documents ? (like CircleSpace - 'last viewed by X Smith, F Bloggs)

5.7.9. info about who has been contributing files, contributing comments, etc?

5.8. collaborative writing project

5.8.1. "comments on work in progress"

5.9. administrative group

5.9.1. way of organising events

5.9.2. download relevant papers

5.9.3. read events and minutes

5.9.4. should this have two views - one organised by meeting, with minutes, papers attached to it, displayed by date; one organised by topics

5.9.5. simple ways to book equipment / rooms etc (e.g. way of having multiple schedules)

6. Get started!

6.1. Key shortcuts

6.1.1. INS to insert (Windows)

6.1.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

6.1.3. ENTER to add siblings

6.1.4. DEL to delete

6.1.5. All key shortcuts

7. should there be tips on using the different sorts of templates? e.g. "if you want to set up a reading group, here are some tips from other University members"

8. what extras could there be?

8.1. ask for help / ideas from colleagues / people in the same field e.g. CTLH-1936

8.2. way to create your website offline in editor of your choice and then host it in CamTools? (Issue would be the menu) CTLH-15216