
coast everything you need to know

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Coasts создатель Mind Map: Coasts

1. types of waves

1.1. Constructive

1.1.1. Characteristics Low energy Strong swash Builds beaches

1.2. Destructive

1.2.1. Characteristics high energy Restricted swash Remove beaches

2. Coastal landforms

2.1. what is a landform?

2.1.1. How is landform created?

2.2. Uk landforms

2.2.1. Holderness

2.2.2. caves

2.2.3. Arches stacks

2.2.4. Wave cut platforms

2.3. Erosion

2.3.1. Bays

2.3.2. Headlands

2.3.3. Cliffs

2.4. Deposition

2.4.1. Beaches

2.4.2. Sand Dunes

2.4.3. Spits

2.4.4. Bars

3. Managing the Coastline

3.1. Holding the line

3.1.1. Managed retreat

3.2. extending the line

3.3. Coastal management

3.3.1. Soft engineering

3.3.2. Hard engineering

4. Managed retreat

5. Coasts under threat

5.1. Climate change

5.2. Rising sea levels

5.3. Human impact

5.4. Environmental damage

5.5. urbanization

5.6. change over time

5.7. erosion

5.8. focus

6. Coastal processes

6.1. Weathering

6.2. mechanical

6.3. chemical

6.4. mass movement

6.5. sliding

6.6. slumping

6.7. Hydraulic power

6.8. Abrasion

6.9. Attrition

7. Transportation

7.1. Longshore drift

7.1.1. Traction

7.1.2. Saltation

7.1.3. Suspension

7.1.4. Solution

8. Types of management

8.1. Hard engineering

8.1.1. Sea Walls

8.1.2. Rock armor

8.1.3. Gabions

8.1.4. Groynes

8.2. Soft engineering

8.2.1. Beach nourishment

8.2.2. reprofiling

8.2.3. Dune regeneration

8.3. Case study

8.3.1. Mappleton

9. Why are coasts important?

9.1. Habitat

9.2. Protection

9.3. lively hood

9.4. Tourism