T.O. 3.0 Given instruction on the procedures of making homemade pasta, the students will be able ...

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T.O. 3.0 Given instruction on the procedures of making homemade pasta, the students will be able to simulate the process of making homemade pasta by utilizing all of the correct ingredients and procedures in the correct order. создатель Mind Map: T.O. 3.0 Given instruction on the procedures of making homemade pasta, the students will be able to simulate the process of making homemade pasta by utilizing all of the correct ingredients and procedures in the correct order.

1. Prepare a clean and safe workspace

1.1. Indicate methods of ensuring cleanliness of workspace and tools/utensils before using them

1.1.1. Identify an appropriate workspace (i.e. kitchen)

1.1.2. Identify appropriate tools/utensils needed (i.e. knife, fork, pasta rolling machine, etc.)

2. Measure the correct amount of each ingredient

2.1. Differentiate between types of flour and identify the correct type of flour used for pasta

2.2. Identify and locate the ingredients (flour, eggs, and olive oil)

3. Demonstrate how to make pasta dough

3.1. Identify the type of pasta being made

3.1.1. Recall different types of pasta

3.2. Select the ingredients in correct order

3.2.1. Recall the ingredients needed and measurements of each

3.3. Reproduce the proper procedures of making pasta dough in the correct order

4. Decide when the pasta is cooked al dente

4.1. Recall the procedure of boiling pasta

4.2. Recall safety measures for boiling pasta

5. Organize workspace for cleanliness

5.1. Indicate methods of ensuring cleanliness of workspace and tools/utensils after using them

5.2. Indicate what to do with the pasta next (i.e. serve the pasta, store the pasta, etc.)