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COPD создатель Mind Map: COPD

1. Pathophysiology

1.1. Mucus hypersecretion

1.2. Cilia dysfunction

1.3. Airflow limitation

1.4. Loss of elastic recoil

1.5. Pulmonary hypertension

1.6. Systemic effects

2. Health Teaching

2.1. Poor nutrition

2.2. Inadequate exercise

2.3. Smoking

2.4. Substance abuse

2.5. Stress

3. Pharmacological Interventions

3.1. Bronchodilators (inhaled or Po) Such as beta adrenergic agonist agents Anticholinergic agents Methylxanthines Corticosteroids inhaled or systemic

3.2. Vaccinations reduce incidence

3.3. Oxygen therapy- long term

3.4. Albuterol . Metaproterenol . Levalbuterol . Pirbuterol

3.5. Glucocorticosteroids

3.6. Azithromycin . Moxifloxacin

4. Signs and Symptoms

4.1. Shortness of breath

4.2. Chest tightness

4.3. Chronic cough that may produce sputum

4.4. Lack of energy

4.5. Swelling in ankles and feet

4.6. Unplanned weight loss

5. Etiology/ What is it?

5.1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, preventable disease, characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive.

5.2. Chronic inflammatory response in the airway and lungs

6. Complications

6.1. Respiratory infections

6.2. Heart problems

6.3. Lung cancer

6.4. High blood pressure in lung arteries

6.5. Depression

7. Diagnostics and assessments

7.1. Spirometry

7.2. bronchodilator reversibility testing

7.3. ABG'S

7.4. Alpha antitrypsin deficiency screening

8. Causes and risk factors

8.1. Smoking

8.2. Air pollution

8.3. Occupational exposure

8.4. Genetics

8.5. Infectious diseases such as AIDS and tuberculosis