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Posterior Polar Cataract создатель Mind Map: Posterior Polar Cataract

1. Autosomal dominant inheritance

2. Postive family history in 40-55% cases

3. PITX3 gene most commonly associated

4. High incidence of PCR

4.1. Tight adherence of plaque to capsule

4.2. Exceptionally thin PC

5. 3 classification systems

5.1. Duke Elder's

5.2. Singh's

5.3. Schroeder's

6. Pre operative investigations

6.1. Biometry

6.2. UBM

6.3. ASOCT

6.4. Scheimpflug imaging

7. Counselling

7.1. Increased risk of complications

7.2. Long duration of surgery

7.3. Need for multiple surgeries

7.4. Need for YAG laser post operatively

8. Phacoemulsification - Procedure of choice

8.1. Use of FLACS is controversial

9. No hydrodissection

10. Inside out hydrodelineation