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Samanta Ortiz создатель Mind Map: Samanta Ortiz

1. joy child

1.1. My joy as a child was when once my friend bought me a necklace that I longed for so much.

2. biggest accomplishment

2.1. My greatest achievement would be trying to be better on a day-to-day basis.

3. brings me joy now

3.1. what brings me joy today is how people support me and their show of affection

4. fear

4.1. My biggest fear is being alone and losing everything I have in an instant and not being prepared for it.

5. how do others see me

5.1. They see me as affectionate, generous, happy, intelligent, clueless, self-sacrificing, realistic, innovative, discouraged, sensitive

6. dream

6.1. My biggest dream is to be able to help my family financially and buy expensive toys for my brothers and see their smile