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Annie создатель Mind Map: Annie

1. Home

1.1. Lives in Atherton Tablelands in Queensland

1.1.1. Belongs to a mob

1.2. Daughter and granddaughters are interstate

1.3. Retired Koori primary school teacher

2. Situation

2.1. Visiting her son Tony and daughter-in-law

2.1.1. Has 9-month-old daughter Lily

2.1.2. Are both busy with work

2.2. Looking after Lily

2.3. Extended stay

3. Hospital experience

3.1. Scary experience

3.2. Lonely

3.3. Dislikes it

3.4. Unfamilar

4. Discharge

4.1. Local GP to contact her

4.2. Local PAG group

4.3. Referred to local ACCHO

4.4. Kidney Doctor

4.5. Transport

5. Community

5.1. Involved in gardening, artwork, yarning sessions

5.2. Aboriginal community member

5.3. Local community events

6. Complications

6.1. CKD

6.2. Type 2 diabetes

6.2.1. Monitoring with blood sugar book

6.2.2. GP hasn't mentioned BSL

6.2.3. Fluctuates

6.2.4. local Aboriginal Health Service

6.3. Hypertension

6.4. Pruritus

7. Identity

8. Diet

8.1. Has a better diet back home

8.2. Unable to eat healthily due to situation in Melbourne