Managing organizational structure

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Managing organizational structure создатель Mind Map: Managing  organizational  structure

1. Departmentalization

1.1. Team-based

1.1.1. Product team

1.1.2. Matrix

1.2. Hierarchal

1.2.1. functional

1.2.2. divisional product customer hybrid location

2. intgration

2.1. Task force

2.2. integration role

2.3. liaison roles

2.4. cross functional teams

3. disruptions of power

3.1. decentralization

3.2. centralization

4. Job design

4.1. job rotation

4.2. job enrichment

4.3. job enlargement

4.4. job simplification

4.5. job characteristic approach

4.5.1. skills variety

4.5.2. task significance

4.5.3. autonomy

4.5.4. task identity

4.5.5. feedback

5. differentiation

5.1. line position

5.2. staff position

6. hierarchy of authority

6.1. span of control

6.1.1. narrow

6.1.2. wide

6.2. organization Hight

6.2.1. tall

6.2.2. flat