(e) Module 10.1 - Julia Liu Exceptionality- Intellectual 🧠Webquest🧠

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(e) Module 10.1 - Julia Liu Exceptionality- Intellectual 🧠Webquest🧠 создатель Mind Map: (e) Module 10.1 - Julia Liu Exceptionality- Intellectual 🧠Webquest🧠

1. Giftedness💡

1.1. General info

1.1.1. Definition: Giftedness- an unusually advanced degree of general intellectual ability that requires differentiated learning experiences of a depth and breadth beyond those normally provided in the regular school program to satisfy the level of educational potential indicated.

1.1.2. Characteristics: demonstrate potential, high intellectual ability, superior reasoning and problem solving skills, creative, curious

1.1.3. Areas of need: social skills (relationships, routines), organizational and time management skills and needs to be challenged. may appear with other exceptionalities

1.2. Some key accomodations

1.2.1. Differentiated instruction by depth and breadth

1.2.2. Ability grouping

1.2.3. Questions to prompt higher order thinking skills

1.2.4. Offer choice

1.2.5. Organizational coaching

1.2.6. Time management aids

1.2.7. Coach and model social skills

1.2.8. Rich culminating tasks/projects

1.2.9. Group assessments- structure, chunk

1.2.10. Environmental- strategic seating

1.3. Teaching Strategies, modifications, alternative program expectations

1.3.1. Differentiate instruction so that the student is challenge. Offer choice in content and product so the student can challenge themselves

1.3.2. Remain patient and open minded when the student has different ideas and may act out if things are "too easy" or "too slow". Support the development of their social skills of working with people who may not think like them.

1.3.3. Strategic pairing- some gifted students struggle to socialize

1.3.4. While beneficial for a child to develop social skills, an alternative program for some gifted students may be homeschooling or online learning (more course options like AP and fast tracking/acceleration)

1.4. Potential and practical concerns/issues

1.4.1. Strong oral communication skills may mask LD, as often gifted students struggle with written language. Can provide extra time and tech for students for written assessments.

1.4.2. Perfectionism, unable to accept help, stubborn, stressed. Not healthy for good mental health. Needs direct instruction of emotional intelligence and social skills.

1.4.3. May be sensitive to criticism and peer rejection. May experience bullying if they stand out, struggle with social skills and do not find like minded peers. Or may want to appear "normal", and are not achieving to their potential.

1.5. Sources

1.5.1. Special Education Companion p.57-66 http://etfo-ots.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/OCUP-Special-Education-Companion-2002.pdf

1.5.2. Giftedness Exceptionality | Teach Special Education

1.6. Observations of giftedness in my brother

1.6.1. My older brother was in the gifted program. He told me that giftedness means "you think differently than others". The gifted class doesn't mean the "smart kids". He exhibits very strong verbal skills and higher order thinking. But social skills and following rules are still weaknesses.

2. Mild Intellectual disability MID💡

2.1. General info

2.1.1. learning disorder characterized by: ability to achieve in a regular class with "considerable modifications" and support due to slow intellectual developement and has a potential for academic learning and independence

2.1.2. Characteristics: have potential to be independent in employment and community. Enjoys routine/repetitive tasks (feels comfortable knowing they can do it) and good with hands on learning. MID diagnosed using various assessments (IQ, adaptive skills, skill based)

2.1.3. Areas of need: cognitive development (need support with literacy, numeracy, attention, memory, abstract ideas), adaptive skills, self-esteem and self advocacy skills

2.2. Some key accomodations

2.2.1. Chunking

2.2.2. Sequencing

2.2.3. Processing time

2.2.4. Peer support/buddy

2.2.5. Time management strategies

2.2.6. Organizers

2.2.7. Strategic seating and proximity to teacher

2.2.8. Extended time limits

2.2.9. Alternative space or study carrel

2.2.10. Reference formulae

2.2.11. Use of calculator and technology

2.2.12. Oral communication between student and teacher

2.2.13. Reduced number of tasks

2.3. Teaching Strategies, modifications, alternative program expectations

2.3.1. Keep student with peers of their own age. Provide student with same materials as the class, avoid singling out. And use strategic grouping to support academic achievement

2.3.2. Get to know students' strengths and abilities at the moment and modify accordingly.

2.3.3. Teach self advocacy, help student identify how they learn best

2.3.4. Support the student in building self confidence and transferable skills

2.3.5. Modifications to the curriculum often used to support student showing knowledge of the big idea with support. Modifications may focus on connecting the content to daily life or real life.

2.3.6. Alternative expectations may be needed depending on the student's individual needs. Transition plans may be in place to help the student develop the skills and gain the knowledge they need to live independently, post-high school.

2.4. Potential and practical concerns/issues

2.4.1. School staff may stir student down a pathway with smaller classes but a student may choose to be with their friends instead (ex. college level vs. mixed vs. university level). Harder to get support in larger classes.

2.4.2. Controlling parents, preventing the student from developing independence.

2.5. Sources

2.5.1. Special Education Companion pg. 67-76 http://etfo-ots.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/OCUP-Special-Education-Companion-2002.pdf

2.5.2. Mild Intellectual Disability (MID) | Teach Special Education

3. Developmental disability DD💡

3.1. General info

3.1.1. severe learning disability: has ability to learn well "from a special education program that is accommodating slow intellectual development." Limited potential for academics and independence .

3.1.2. Many possible causes and diagnoses (listed on teachspeced link below)

3.1.3. Characteristics: you will observe delay in speech/language, motor skills, physical development. Self care skills and social skills need work.

3.1.4. Areas of need: depends on the student, big range in impaired "cognitive development", academic skills and "adaptive functioning (i.e. social interaction, self help)"

3.2. Some key accomodations

3.2.1. Chunking

3.2.2. Processing time

3.2.3. Prompts to return attention to task

3.2.4. Repetition

3.2.5. Alternative formats

3.2.6. Student choice

3.2.7. Organizational coaching

3.2.8. Proximity to instructor

3.2.9. Quiet setting

3.2.10. Extended time limits

3.2.11. Positive reinforcement

3.2.12. Reference formulae

3.2.13. Practice test

3.2.14. Verbatim scribing or oral responses

3.2.15. Assistive tech

3.2.16. Reduced number of tasks

3.2.17. Use of calculator and technology

3.3. Teaching Strategies, modifications, alternative program expectations

3.3.1. Focus on literacy and numeracy, build strong foundation of basics

3.3.2. Teach life skills that they will needed in the workplace and in daily life (ex. hygiene)

3.3.3. Frequent check ins and build up student confidence

3.3.4. augmentative communication devices may be used along with other assistive tech to help the student communicate learning

3.3.5. Work with EAs, school staff, specialists and family of student

3.3.6. Have schedules, and visuals of them if needed

3.3.7. Modifications to the curriculum needed, varying degrees. Another course level may be considered in some cases.

3.3.8. Depending on the severity of the student, the student may need to have an alternative programs.

3.4. Potential and practical concerns/issues

3.4.1. "over protective" parents, preventing the student from developing independence.

3.4.2. Do families with children with DD move to other boards/areas where there are more resources, programs, staff and support for them? I found a PDSB document that mentions a transitions program for 19-21yr olds with DD.

3.4.3. Often in self contained settings throughout school, curious to wonder if schools are or need to implement more interaction with people for the students with DD. While transitions plans may be in place, socializing with the rest of the school helps them prepare for the real world too.

3.5. Sources

3.5.1. Special Education Companion p. 77-86 http://etfo-ots.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/OCUP-Special-Education-Companion-2002.pdf

3.5.2. Developmental Disability | Teach Special Education

3.5.3. Teaching Children With Developmental Disabilities: Classroom Ideas | Intervention Central

3.5.4. https://www.peelschools.org/elementary/special-education/plan/Documents/Developmental-Disability.pdf