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Juveniles before the law. создатель Mind Map: Juveniles before the law.

1. Language of learning

1.1. Key vocabulary and phrases connected with children law and law institutions

1.2. Knowledge of the vocabulary related to law enforcement

1.3. Phrases connected to penalty and guilt

2. Language through learning

2.1. presenting example of penalty

2.2. knowledge of the rights of minors

2.3. feedback on multi-agency approach

2.4. Questioning / Answering

3. Language for learning

3.1. Comparing and contrasting

3.2. Describing an event as a witness

3.3. Explaining the situation, the presumption of innocence

3.4. Ability to pinpoint fault in discussions and conservative measures


5. Juvenile Law MindMap

6. Global goal: Raising awareness about the law through encouraging the use of terminology language.


8. Juveniles on the Internet.

8.1. Cyberbullying and prevention

9. legal institutions

9.1. law enforcement

10. patterns of social behavior

10.1. help and prevention

11. constitutional law



14. Crime And Disorder Act 1998

14.1. youth justice services for those in need

15. Childrens Act 2004

15.1. assurances arising from the act

16. Multi-agency Approach

16.1. police

16.2. healthcare

16.3. The Courts

16.4. Youth Offending Teams

17. types of violence

17.1. psychological

17.2. physical

18. law in force in society

18.1. positive and negative behavior patterns

18.2. punishment for minors

19. The risk of non-compliance with the law of minors

20. Explanation of the juvenile penal system

20.1. anticipated penalties for offenses

21. Chart of crime among adolescents

21.1. age, crime type, penalty

22. Visual representation of cause and effect

22.1. consequences of wrong decisions and wrong actions

22.2. the consequences for lack of reacting

23. Group project

23.1. behavior patterns as a witness to a law offense event

24. Understanding the action-punishment system