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Why is Self Care Important создатель Mind Map: Why is Self Care Important

1. How to take care of yourself

1.1. Building a self care plan

1.1.1. Emotional

1.1.2. Financial

1.1.3. Social

1.1.4. Physical

1.1.5. Spiritual

2. Benefits of Self Care

2.1. Be productive

2.2. Boost immune system

2.3. Break from stress

2.4. Self- appreciated alone time

3. Components of Self Care

3.1. Emotional

3.1.1. Start writing

3.1.2. Do something you enjoy

3.2. Physical

3.2.1. Aim for healthy diet

3.2.2. Get some excersice

3.2.3. Regular sleep routinr

3.3. Mental

3.3.1. Make time for relaxation

4. What happens if we neglect Self care

4.1. Anxiety

4.2. Depression

4.3. May experience decrease in sleep

4.4. Fatigue