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food for trought создатель Mind Map: food for trought

1. Maintaining healthy eating habits is extremely important to our health.

2. The well-being of our body requires exercise

3. What causes us to have bad health?

3.1. In addition to eating a lot of fat, you may not exercise, not only physical but mental as well.

4. To be healthy you don't just need to eat fruits or vegetables

4.1. You should just keep a balanced diet, where you have a little bit of everything

5. Are there cases where people cannot lose weight only with healthy food?

5.1. Yes, in this case, you should go to the nutritionist, so he can create a plan for your nutrition or even have surgery

6. Never do anything for others and always for you

6.1. some people suffer from depression from this kind of mean and unnecessary joke or comment.

7. Never be the person who plays with other people's problems, you don't know what the other person is going through

8. always feed yourself very well and you will live long enough to tell a story