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EXXONMOBIL EconomicForces создатель Mind Map: EXXONMOBIL EconomicForces

1. Profitability

1.1. Academic Resource Exercise

1.2. Online readings suggested, new internet search, and discussion questions.

1.3. Sexty, CHAPTER 3: Identifying Stakeholders and Issues CHAPTER 4: Stakeholder and Issue Analysis

2. WEEK 3: Ethics of Business Theory & Practice

2.1. Team PESTEL Worksheets

2.2. Online readings suggested, new internet search, and discussion questions.

2.3. Sexty, CHAPTER 5: Ethics of Business: The Theoretical Basis CHAPTER 6: Ethics of Business: Management and Leadership

3. Consumer Demand

3.1. Business Ethics Analysis

3.2. Online readings suggested, new internet search, and discussion questions.

3.3. Sexty, CHAPTER 7: Corporate Social Responsibility: The Concept CHAPTER 8: Corporate Social Responsibility: In Practice

4. Business Cycle

4.1. Business Environmental Analysis

4.2. Online readings suggested, new internet search, and discussion questions.

4.3. Karakowsky & Guriel, Ch. 5 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS & Ch. 8 GLOBAL FORCES - How Is Canada Faring in the Global Village?

5. State of the Economy

5.1. Recession

5.2. Recovery

5.3. Depression

5.4. Prosperity