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MEDIA создатель Mind Map: MEDIA

1. Adjectives

2. Idioms

3. Nouns

3.1. a medium

3.1.1. a medium is the singular form of media

3.1.2. Example:

3.2. censorship

3.2.1. when a certain types of messages are blocked.

3.2.2. Example: The government often uses censorship for movies that are violent or have sexual content.

3.3. genre

3.3.1. a style or category of art, music, movie or literature

3.3.2. Example:

3.4. mass media

3.4.1. mass media refers collectively to all the forms of media we have such as television, on-line services, magazines and newspaper

3.4.2. Example:

3.5. paparazzi

3.5.1. aggressive media (negative)

3.5.2. Example:

4. Verbs