Meaningful Relationship With Children

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Meaningful Relationship With Children создатель Mind Map: Meaningful Relationship With Children

1. Inclusive Education

1.1. Provide educational power to all. embracing diversity. use of different methods and strategies

2. Facts about self esteem

2.1. Self concept

2.2. Self esteem

2.3. Perceived competence

2.4. Personal control

3. 6 Questions educator should keep in mind

3.1. Child's development level

3.2. Family background

3.3. Curriculum planning

3.4. Nurturing guidance

3.5. Classroom environment

3.6. Possible care and education

4. Connection through leadership

4.1. Before direction

4.2. Speak developmentally appropriate

4.3. Try not to generalize

5. Student Centered Learning

5.1. Competencies Based

5.2. Learning can happen anytime and anywhere

5.3. Students takes ownership

5.4. Personalized Learning

6. Name: Prabhjot Kaur

7. Student ID: 1172955

8. Margret Macmillan

9. Ways to make connection with children

9.1. Greetings

9.2. Communication

9.3. Sharing Experiences

10. Facts to remember about play

10.1. Identify basic needs

10.2. Develop Skills

10.3. It should develop relation

10.4. Enhance SPICES

11. Educator developmental stages

11.1. Survival

11.2. Consolidation

11.3. Renewal

11.4. Maturity

12. Educational Philosophies

12.1. Maria Monetessori

12.1.1. Learning based on 5 senses

12.1.2. play based learning

12.1.3. Mixed aged classrooms

12.1.4. No grading and homework

12.2. Reggio Emilia & Loris Malaguzzi

12.2.1. No curriculum

12.2.2. More involvement by parents

12.2.3. Project based learning

12.2.4. learning by exploration and investigation

12.3. John Dewey

12.4. John Amos Comenius

12.5. High Scope

12.5.1. Learning by doing

12.5.2. different learning stations

12.5.3. Plan-Do-Review