Meeting the Customer - Low Price in Reality

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Meeting the Customer - Low Price in Reality создатель Mind Map: Meeting the Customer - Low Price in Reality

1. Services

1.1. Pricing Principles

1.1.1. Customer Focus Pricing Service Design Methodology Enables you to design, develop, and maintain a market-relevant and competitive service offer Convenience Matrix Overview of your offer so you can identify gaps and opportunities for development

1.1.2. Relevant pricing

1.1.3. Consistent Pricing

1.1.4. Price Ladders

1.2. Before Shopping

1.2.1. Planning Kitchen Planning

1.2.2. Measuring Kitchen Measuring

1.2.3. Home Furnishing Design

1.3. During Shopping

1.3.1. Finance

1.3.2. Delivery With Picking Without Picking

1.3.3. Assembly

1.3.4. Installation

1.3.5. Removal

1.4. After Shopping

1.4.1. Spare Parts

1.4.2. Repair

1.4.3. Returns

1.5. How customers benefit from our service offer?

1.5.1. Creates choice and flexibility

1.5.2. Makes shopping experience easy and seamless from end-to-end

1.5.3. Provides value for money

1.5.4. Provides value for time

1.5.5. Provides value for effort

1.6. Convenient service offer enables business growth

1.6.1. Supports positioning

1.6.2. Attracts customers

1.6.3. Creates engagement and visitor-to-customer conversion

1.6.4. Generates revenue

1.6.5. Generates trust and loyalty

2. Communication

2.1. Low Price Solutions

2.1.1. Room Set & Vignettes Solutions Open the Wallet Perimeter Breaks

2.2. Lowest Price Products

2.2.1. One of the Aces from "Four Aces and a King"

2.3. Price and Quality Levels

2.3.1. Lowest; "BTI"

2.3.2. Low

2.3.3. Medium

2.3.4. High

3. Democratic Design

3.1. Form

3.1.1. Attractive

3.1.2. Affordable Analysis Market Competitor research

3.1.3. Expression that makes a difference

3.1.4. Reflect our values

3.2. Function

3.2.1. Enjoyment of a product

3.2.2. Easy to assemble

3.2.3. Meets needs and wants of customer

3.3. Quality

3.3.1. Best possible quality where it matters most

3.4. Sustainability

3.4.1. Minimizing environmental impact

3.5. Low Price

3.5.1. Products designed to meet the many peoples wallets