Fellowship - Cornelia's Residency MoT

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Fellowship - Cornelia's Residency MoT создатель Mind Map: Fellowship - Cornelia's Residency MoT

1. Key concepts


1.2. Dimensions: Soul / Heart / Body / Mind Micro/ Meso / Macro / Meta

1.2.1. What we want (Aspiration) influences how we feel (Emotion) which influences what we think (Thought) and impacts not only how we experience our environment (Sensation) but how we express ourselves in it, which influences the situation we are in

1.2.2. Systematic influence on the 4 collective dimensions is conditioned by the ability to address the individual and professional spheres alike.

1.2.3. It is important to remember that those who operate the meso-level (i.e., entrepreneurs), the macro-level (i.e., politicians), and the meta-level (i.e., officials of supranational institutions) have two skins. On the one hand, they are indi- viduals with aspirations, feelings, and beliefs; on the other hand, they are professionals, players, and actors, who pursue their business.

1.3. Scale of influence

1.3.1. Genuine influence is exerted by people who (1) Inspire purpose—because their own aspirations and actions are aligned; (2) Induce feelings—because their audience starts to relate to the issue at the emotional level which is needed to trigger the shift from acknowledgement to action; (3) Intrigue interest—because now the curious mind wants to learn and understand better; and (4) Ignite behavior change—because physical action reflects the transition from inner to outer realm.

1.4. The 4 Layers of Attitude Complacency, Convenience, Curiosity, Creativity

1.5. 4 main questions: Why are you here (in this game of life)? Who are You? Where are you in life? What are you doing to align your aspirations and daily action?

1.5.1. WHAT we do and WHY we do it influences WHO we are and WHERE we go—and inversely. 1. We do not take the time to clarify our perspective, failing to under- stand WHO and WHERE we are now, and WHO and WHERE we want to be, which prevents us from identifying WHAT we need to do to get from here to there; 
 2. We are afraid to identify our WHY. When our purpose (Why), personality (Who), position (Where), and pursuit (What) align, the journey of OPTIMIZATION proceeds smoothly, taking us gradually closer to the ZENITH of our personal exis- tence. In that process it contributes to move the communities that we are part of closer to the collective ZENITH of humankind. Progress requires EXPOSURE to the unknown, including the unknown parts of ourselves. Paradoxically, EXPOSURE to risk is a safe venture if it is undertaken in a PERSPECTIVE of compassion for oneself and others. Because whatever happens along the road serves to refine who we are.

1.6. Augmented Humanity (AH) is possible but it requires courageous choices. The future depends on our determination to manifest Augmented Humanity.

1.6.1. Augmented Humanity derives from genuine human connection. From a Perspective of multidimensional interdependency, we can strive for an Optimization of the existing dynamics and the creation of new ones that gradually lift individuals and hereby society to the Zenith of their respective and collective existence. Exposure to reality as it is, combined with the experience of generosity, compassion, creativity, and courage is the foundation of a tomorrow that is worth living.

2. Themes

2.1. Self Discovery / Self Improvement

2.2. Speculative Tech / Humane Tech

2.2.1. Technology, given its influence on our behavior and the deriving social dynamics may serve the common good or impede it.

2.2.2. Technology cannot replace values yet it can keep them present on our inner radar

2.2.3. A value wearable could keep us on track by tracing deviations from our moral map. Repetition: creates synaptic connections

2.2.4. Purpose oriented technology.

2.2.5. Technology is neutral. The deriving Outcomes (differently said its influence and impact) depend on the Values and the Mindset of 4 groups of individuals: visionaries/sponsors, designers, regulators, and users.

2.2.6. The impact for society could be hugely beneficial—if the human aspirations that underpin the system and the technology that emerges from it are purpose-oriented (goal) and value-anchored (foundation); if it is free from personal and national interests.

2.3. Individual change for collective transformation

3. Objectives (philosophical)

3.1. To break the logic of "Every man for himself"

3.2. To show it's possible to leave behind the scarcity paradigm for one of abundance instead

3.3. To inspire people to be change and see change happen outside

3.4. Help people get out of their comfort zone (complacency) and try to be their best selves

3.5. Offline Benefits: Prompts that are applicable to the real world. Online experience as a guide

3.5.1. Prompts Community Generated (Moderation needed)

3.5.2. Feedback from others (external confirmation)

3.6. Not just do things, but to learn something effortlessly (Edutainment)

3.7. Self-contained / Self-explanatory (without the need of lots of contextual material)

3.8. Advocate the idea that these technologies that permeate our lives in such significant ways should not be guided solely by the profit desire of the big tech companies

3.9. Behaviour economics: create new habits (more productive for yourself and the environment)

4. Premises

4.1. Alignment of aspiration and action conditions holistic social change

4.1.1. Once we know how the multiple dimensions of our being impact what we do, it becomes natural to seek their optimization through intentional influence

4.2. Creating a society where people are lifted to reach their potential starts with people themselves.

4.3. We're all responsible for trying to find our purpose and hence have a positive impact

4.4. We can impact on every dimension

4.5. Reciprocity is built into our DNA. Compassion and generosity are rooted in our first moral draft and coded into our operating system. We can use technology to prime ourselves to reveal these inbuilt features and systematically engage in pro-social behaviors.

4.5.1. Golden rule: Do to others what you wish done to yourself

4.6. When we acknowledge that individuals, communities, countries, and the planet are part of one and the same universal equation, it is a logical (self-interested) choice to seek the OPTIMIZATION of all parts and their interplay

4.7. There's no right or wrong. There are no simple answers

4.8. The future is about choices

4.9. No other person and no technology can relieve us of the effort that precedes choices and derives from them. The discomfort of change is ours to overcome.

4.10. Technology will not save us. It can support solutions that are initiated by humankind

4.10.1. Jumping from Complacency to Creativity doesn't require more technology, but a different attitude towards the one already available

4.10.2. Technology can nurture the seeds of humanity; it cannot (nor should) plant them for us.

4.11. When our action shifts from a standard reaction derived from circumstances to a deliberate choice, we go from being passive players to being active players in the game of life. We are also responsible for our omissions.

5. Vision

5.1. A society that is not ruled by technology but facilitated by it to the inclusive benefit of all. Challenge: to induce social norms of solidarity.

5.2. Conscious citizenship that is anchored in values and propelled by purpose - Aspirational Algorithms (AA)

5.3. Push people to dare ambition, expand their scope

5.4. Tomorrow as unexplored territory

6. Visual metaphors

6.1. Spiral (inside out and outside in)

6.1.1. To jump into the spiral (as Alice in Wonderland)

6.2. Kaleidoscope (life as constant change)

6.3. Ripple Effect (draw circles on water)

6.4. Zenith (highest point of the sun in the sky, at noon). At this time there's no shadow cast on the ground. Symbol of peak

6.4.1. Always shifting (as Utopia metaphor from Eduardo Galeano)

6.5. Colors contagion (emotional and behaviour contagion)

6.5.1. To achieve critical mass

6.6. Rainbow (as opposed of Black & White dualism)

6.7. Bubble - Every side is equal

6.8. From being a mere passenger to taking the driver's seat / From spectator, to the stage

6.9. Whereas purpose is the North Star that shows the direction, values are sign-posts along the road.

6.10. Tesseract

6.11. Russian doll

6.12. Dominoes

7. User Experience (Gameplay)

7.1. It's a Journey and the player is the traveller

7.1.1. The journey is what matters the most, not it's results Different moments of the journey (There's no one size fits all)

7.2. You need to start alone and you can't wait for others to start

7.2.1. Can be played all by yourself or in a team (asynchronous) Connect people with affinities, like-minded, doers (The merry misfits)

7.3. The more you share, the more you get

7.3.1. When somebody wins, everybody wins

7.4. In the beginning the players sets their essential values and that influences the choices they make

7.5. Not knowing what comes next

7.6. Cues for each dimension (to plant significant questions)

7.7. Each dimension with a different format

7.8. More then one way to go (Non-linear)

7.9. Different options (both good and bad)

7.10. Challenge people to make difficult and meaningful choices (out of automatic pilot mode)

7.10.1. Eventually show how others made their choices

7.11. Consequences lived both on an individual and collective level

7.12. Markers of progress (user supplied)

7.13. Cooperators vs Non cooperators

7.13.1. At first sight, non-cooperators seem to do better than cooperators and wipe them out. But a set of five complementary mechanisms ensures that natural selection favors cooperation more than selfishness: Direct reci- procity is based on repeated encounters between the same two individuals (I help you and you help me); Indirect reciprocity, based on reputation (I help you and somebody else helps me); Spatial selection, allowing clus- ters of cooperators to prevail (neighbors help each other); Group selection occurs if there is competition between groups (members of a group help each other). Finally, Kin selection is based on interactions between close genetic relatives (brothers and sisters help each other).

7.14. Each time it's played it creates an artifact that is placed into a virtual gallery

7.14.1. Co-creative storytelling

7.15. Getting to interact as you were your best self (role-playing a better version of you)

7.15.1. Mirror principle: we tend to dislike other people that remind us of what we dislike in ourselves, whereas the opposite is also true

7.16. Captivating visuals and sounds

7.17. Overcoming an Initial Barrier - It's About Getting Started

7.18. Doesn't have to have a time limit

7.19. The game should not force people in a way they're not ready yet to do

7.20. Default options that can be chosen, in order for the player for not having to start with a blank page

7.21. Video/Multimedia/Text to establish the premise

8. Trajectory

8.1. From Individual to Collective

8.2. From Private to Public

8.3. Human Aspirations > Neutral AI's > Aspirational Algorithms (pro-social) > Augmented Humanity

9. Possible Objectives (gameplay-wise)

9.1. To reach individual and collective Zenith, while navigating the different dimensions

9.2. To reach the state of Augmented Humanity

9.3. The journey of Optimization