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Feudalism создатель Mind Map: Feudalism

1. King

1.1. Enviorment

1.2. Responsibilities

1.3. Rights

2. Nobles

2.1. Lived in wealthy houses

2.1.1. New node

2.2. Military obligation to the lord

2.3. Free from his person and his possessions

3. Knights

3.1. Enviorment

3.2. Responsibilities

3.3. Rights

4. Peasants

4.1. Enviroment

4.1.1. Lords Manor

4.2. Responsibilities

4.2.1. Work the land for 3 days a week

4.3. Rights

4.3.1. None

5. Clergy

5.1. oversee the spiritual life of the flock

5.2. Responsibilities

5.3. Ruled land on different level than the king