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A.S.P.E.C.T. создатель Mind Map: A.S.P.E.C.T.

1. Evenness- is it evenly covered?

1.1. To look for evenness you rely on your overall impression of the authors intent

1.1.1. New node

2. Authority- who wrote it?

2.1. To find the authority look for the authors credentials and expertise in the subject

2.1.1. New node

3. Sources- where did they get there info?

3.1. To find the sources look for footnotes and/or a Bibliography

4. Purpose-what is the purpose?

4.1. To find the purpose scan the preface or introduction

5. Coverage- does it contain everything you need to know?

5.1. To find coverage you rely on what you need for your task

6. Timeliness- does it have up to date information?

6.1. To find timeliness look for the date under: last updated