Malone Characteristic

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Malone Characteristic создатель Mind Map: Malone Characteristic

1. Brave

1.1. more like self consious about what other people would think of him

1.2. has fear

1.3. the only climb up the tree to see the plateau world.

1.3.1. first to encounter ape-man

2. Humble

2.1. Is on the Irish Rugby team

2.1.1. tells Roxton that he is a reserve

2.2. rescues people from the mine

2.2.1. doesn't boast to Gladys

3. Change

3.1. In the end, was not love sick

3.1.1. When realized Gladys married to another person, decided to go back to S.A. just because he wanted to visit again. matured, realized it would be hopeless to chase Glados again

4. young and naive

4.1. went on an adventure just to impress Gladys

4.2. easily manipulated

4.2.1. believed Challenger, despite Tarp Henry claims Challenger's evidence of prehistoric life living in S.A.