Group 1: General trends in periodic table

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Group 1: General trends in periodic table создатель Mind Map: Group 1: General trends in periodic table

1. Groups

1.1. Number of shells

1.1.1. Increases

1.2. Valence Electrons

1.2.1. Remains the same

1.3. Valency

1.3.1. Remains the same

1.4. Atomic Size

1.4.1. Increases

1.5. Physical and chemical properties

1.5.1. Similiar

1.6. Metallic character

1.6.1. Increases

2. Periods

2.1. Number of shells

2.1.1. Remains the same

2.2. Valence Electrons

2.2.1. Increases

2.3. Valency

2.3.1. Increases from 1-4 then decreases to 0

2.4. Atomic Size

2.4.1. Decreases

2.5. Physical and chemical properties

2.5.1. Different

2.6. Metallic character

2.6.1. Decreases

3. Questions

3.1. 1. What are the valence electrons in group 1

3.2. 2. The number of shells in period 2. increases or decreases

3.3. 3.