There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes создатель Mind Map: There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes

1. Listening drills

1.1. first group

1.1.1. What colour are their clothes?

1.2. second group

1.2.1. True or False

2. Speech drills

2.1. Speak about the Baby Elephant

3. Lexical drills

3.1. When it's cold (hot, warm), you may put on your ...

3.2. Words:

4. Phonetic drills

4.1. Sounds

5. The rest of the lesson

5.1. song

5.2. do phisical exsercises

6. Grammar drills

6.1. Past Simple

6.1.1. Affirmative

6.1.2. Negative

6.1.3. Questions

6.1.4. Short Answers

6.1.5. Regular and Irragular Verbs

7. Reading drills

7.1. a computer test

7.2. Make question sentences

7.2.1. use the White Board

8. Pupil's Portfolio

8.1. And now we are in Milan and we may show our fashion collection. Please, speak about your costumes