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Cold War создатель Mind Map: Cold War

1. Fear at home

1.1. red scare

1.1.1. fear of communists taking over

1.2. McCarthyism

1.2.1. senator who falsely accused others of being communists

1.3. Nuclear Annihilation

1.3.1. bomb shelters

2. Detente and end of cold war

2.1. sometimes there was more tension between us and USSR than others

2.2. Detente

2.2.1. easing of tension

2.3. detente in late 50's early 70's late 80's

2.4. Glasnost and perestroika

2.4.1. changes in soviet union

3. Causes

3.1. communism vs capitalism

3.2. economy

3.3. totalitarianism vs democracy

3.4. government

3.5. ww2

4. Hot wars

4.1. korean war

4.1.1. 1950-1953

4.2. north (coms) vs south (not)

4.3. Back and Forth war

4.4. stalement and armistice

4.5. Vietnam war

4.5.1. 1956-1970

4.6. north (coms) vs south (not)

4.7. Guerilla warfare