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Plone API создатель Mind Map: Plone API

1. Portlets

1.1. Creating portlets

1.2. Assignment CRUD

1.3. Blacklisting

2. Content rules

2.1. Creating actions/conditions

2.2. Content rule CRUD

2.3. Rule assignments

3. Tiles

3.1. Creating tiles

4. Templates

4.1. Creating views

4.2. Creating viewlets

4.3. TAL

4.4. Utility functions

4.4.1. pretty_title_or_id

4.4.2. batching

4.5. documentation of the templates and scripts in the CMFPlone layers and what they do

4.6. Javascript helpers

4.6.1. collapsibles

4.6.2. cookie functions

4.6.3. tabbed forms

4.6.4. table sorter

5. Forms

5.1. Edit forms

5.2. Page forms

5.3. Sub forms

6. Types

6.1. Archetypes

6.2. Dexterity

7. GenericSetup

7.1. metadata.xml

7.2. structure/

7.3. actions.xml

7.4. browserlayer.xml

7.5. catalog.xml

7.6. componentregistry.xml

7.7. controlpanel.xml

7.8. css_registry.xml

7.9. factorytool.xml

7.10. jsregistry.xml

7.11. kssregistry.xml

7.12. memberdata_properties.xml

7.13. portal_atct.xml

7.14. portlets.xml

7.15. contentrules.xml

7.16. properties.xml

7.17. propertiestool.xml

7.18. rolemap.xml

7.19. skins.xml

7.20. types.xml + types/*

7.21. workflows.xml + workflows/*

7.22. viewlets.xml

8. Tools

8.1. Create/install tool

8.2. Local utility

8.2.1. Registration

8.2.2. ++etc++site

9. i18n / l10n

9.1. toLocalizedTime

9.2. zope.i18n.translate

9.3. i18n vs. locales folder

9.4. i18ndude

10. Per-type behaviour

10.1. Type metadata

10.1.1. getToolByName(context, 'portal_types')

10.1.2. portal_types[fti_name]

10.1.3. fti properties

10.2. Cataloging

10.2.1. Methods/attributes indexed directly

10.2.2. plone.indexer

10.3. Default view

10.3.1. ISelectableBrowserDefault

10.3.2. Method aliases

10.3.3. browser:defaultView

10.3.4. The view() method

10.4. Dynamic local roles

10.4.1. borg.localrole adapter

10.5. Workflow chain

10.5.1. IWorkflowChain

10.5.2. WorkflowTool.setChainForTypes()

10.5.3. WorkflowTool.getDefaultChain()

10.5.4. WorkflowTool.setDefaultChain()

10.5.5. WorkflowTool.listChainOverrides()

10.6. Folder behaviour

10.6.1. INonStructuralFolder

10.6.2. isPrincipaFolderish

10.6.3. ObjectManagerAPI (what is expected of a minimal folder?)

10.6.4. fti.global_allow

10.6.5. fti.filter_content_types

10.6.6. fti.allowed_content_types

10.7. Discussion

10.7.1. fti.allow_discussion

10.8. Versioning

10.8.1. ?

10.9. Icon

10.9.1. IPloneView.getIcon()

11. Site state

11.1. Get root

11.1.1. getUtility(ISiteRoot)

11.1.2. getToolByName(context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()

11.1.3. getSite()

11.1.4. navigation root

11.2. Current settings

11.2.1. IPortalState/@@plone_portal_state

11.2.2. getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties')

11.2.3. portal_properties[property_sheet_name]

11.2.4. property API

11.2.5. plone.registry

11.2.6. various tools?

11.2.7. @@plone view

11.3. Get tools

11.3.1. getToolByName()

11.3.2. getUtility()

12. Users

12.1. User CRUD

12.1.1. PAS APIs

12.1.2. MembershipTool

12.1.3. RegistrationTool

12.2. Group GRUD

12.2.1. PAS APIs

12.2.2. GroupsTool

12.2.3. GroupDataTool

12.3. User properties

12.3.1. user.getProperty()

12.3.2. member.getProperty()

12.3.3. MemberDataTool methods

12.4. Roles

12.4.1. user.getRoles()

12.4.2. user.getRolesInContext()

12.4.3. validRoles()

12.4.4. _addRole()

12.5. Groups

12.5.1. user.getGroups()

12.6. PAS Plugins

12.6.1. Plugin CRUD

12.6.2. Plugin activation

12.6.3. Plugin interfaces

13. Object state

13.1. Common

13.1.1. IContextState/@@plone_context_state

13.2. Id

13.2.1. UID() (Archetypes)

13.2.2. zope.[app.]intid methods

13.3. URL

13.3.1. absolute_url()

13.3.2. getPhysicalPath()

13.3.3. request.physicalPath*()

13.4. Schema data

13.4.1. Archetypes

13.4.2. queryContentType()

13.4.3. zope.schema.getFields()

13.4.4. zope.schema.Field.get()/set()

13.4.5. getTypeInfo

13.5. Workflow

13.5.1. getInfoFor()

13.5.2. doActionFor()

13.5.3. Workflow API States Transitions Workflow variables

13.6. Security

13.6.1. manage_permission()

13.6.2. getSecurityManager()

13.6.3. AccessControl.checkPermission() vs. zope.security.checkPermission()

13.6.4. Defining new permissions ZCML setDefaultRoles() collective.autopermission

13.6.5. permissionsOfRole() / rolesOfPermission()

13.6.6. Protecting <class><require /></class> ClassSecurityInfo <browser:page />

13.7. Metadata

13.7.1. IDublinCore

13.7.2. getId()

14. OFS

14.1. Content object CRUD

14.1.1. invokeFactory()

14.1.2. createObject()

14.1.3. _createObjectByType()

14.1.4. OFS API

14.1.5. plone.folder API

14.2. Copy/paste

14.2.1. OFS copy/paste

14.3. Clone

14.3.1. OFS clone

14.3.2. Python copy?

14.4. Folder listing

14.4.1. OFS

14.4.2. plone.folder

14.4.3. getFolderContents.py

14.5. Traversal

14.5.1. aq_inner

14.5.2. aq_parent

14.5.3. aq_chain

14.5.4. __parent__

14.5.5. restrictedTraverse()

14.5.6. unrestrictedTraverse()

15. Search

15.1. Catalog search

15.1.1. getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')

15.1.2. catalog() / catalog.searchResults()

15.1.3. catalog.unrestrictedSearchResults()

15.2. Brains

15.2.1. getObject()

15.2.2. getURL()

15.2.3. getPath()

15.2.4. Exposure of metadata

15.3. Catalog indexes/metadata

15.3.1. Index CRUD

15.3.2. Column CRUD

16. Storage

16.1. Persistence

16.1.1. Persistent base class

16.1.2. _p_jar

16.1.3. _p_changed

16.1.4. _p_mtime

16.2. BTrees

16.2.1. How/when to use

16.3. Annotations

16.3.1. IAnnotatable

16.3.2. IAttributeAnnotatable

16.3.3. IAnnotations

16.3.4. zope.annotation.factory

16.4. Transactions

16.4.1. commit()

16.4.2. savepoint()

16.4.3. abort()

16.4.4. doom()

16.4.5. get()

17. Object events

17.1. CRUD

17.1.1. IObjectAddedEvent

17.1.2. IObjectRemovedEvent

17.1.3. IObjectMovedEvent

17.1.4. IObjectCreatedEvent

17.1.5. IObjectModifiedEvent

17.2. Workflow

17.2.1. IActionSucceededEvent

17.2.2. IBeforeTransitionEvent

17.2.3. IAfterTransitionEvent

17.3. Traversal

17.4. Transactions