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Decentralization создатель Mind Map: Decentralization

1. Drawbacks of Decentralization

2. Definition

3. Decentralization is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group.

4. 2 Examples of decentralization

5. -Elections

6. -Divisions in organizations

7. Advantages of Decentralization

8. -Better management & supervision

9. -Faster decision-making

10. -Promotes motivation & initiative

11. -Promotes diversity

12. -Problem of control and coordination

13. -small number of personnel

14. Types of Decentralization

15. Purpose of Decentralization

16. -Political Decentralization: This type of decentralization aims to give citizens and their elected their elected representatives more power, freedom, and influence in public decision-masking

17. Administrative Decentralization: This type of decentralization aims to redistribute athourity from superior levels of government to subordinate levels of government

18. Financial Decentralization (Fiscal): The authority given to regional or subordinate governments to manage their own financial affairs

19. Economic Decentralization: The authority given to regional or subordinate government to manage their economical resources

20. 3 Forms of Admistrative Decentralization

21. -Deconcentration: The redistribution of authority from the ministry of the central government to subnational or local governments

22. Delegation: The transfer of responsibility from central governments to semi-autonomous organizations not wholly controlled by the central government, but still accountable to it

23. -To enable organizations to work more efficiently

24. -It gives greater voice and choice to citizens to influence decisions that affect their lives.

25. -Devolution: The transfer of full authority of decision-making, finance, and management to quasi-autonomous units of local government with corporate status. In a devolved system, local governments have clear geographical boundaries over which they exercise authority and within which they perform public functions.