Things to Do This Winter

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Things to Do This Winter создатель Mind Map: Things to Do This Winter

1. Learn to Snowboard

1.1. This winter I am going to learn how to snowboard. One of my close friends has been trying to convince me to go snowboarding with her all summer. I may as well because if I bring my skis I will more then likely be board waiting around for the rest to catch up. If I learn to snowboard with her I will be struggling right along with her.

2. Ice fishing

2.1. I will be going ice fishing for the first time this winter and I hope it is as fun as the picture is.

3. Skiing

3.1. Done are my days of competitive ski racing but I still enjoy my time on the ski slopes. Now that I am not ski racing i have time to visit other ski resorts. Last winter I skied in Montana for the first time in years and this year I plan to go to Terry Peak, SD and a few different resorts near Denver, CO. If everything lines up right I might even get to go skiing in France if my sister does her study abroad at the right time of the year.

4. Sleding and Tubing

4.1. Tubing with Friends a few years ago.

5. Ice Skate

5.1. For some reason I find the outdoor rinks more enjoyable. Here is a link for the outdoor ice rinks and as the weather gets colder it will update times.