15K Formula Webinar#1 Summary

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15K Formula Webinar#1 Summary создатель Mind Map: 15K Formula Webinar#1 Summary

1. Reinvest 20% EN Earnings

1.1. Put money back into your business

1.2. Paid advertising

1.3. Scale your business

2. Goal

2.1. Become part of 1000 that earn 15K+/month by 2013

3. Create your story

3.1. Compelling others to listen

3.2. Put your heart into it

3.3. Get results that you want

4. 5 Keys Points

5. Set Clear Goal/Outcome/Vision

5.1. In first person

5.2. In present tense

5.3. Involve as many senses

5.3.1. Visualize it

5.3.2. Feel it

5.3.3. Hear it

5.3.4. Taste it

5.3.5. Smell it

5.4. Create your intention now

6. Focus on your Daily Actions

6.1. Know your numbers

6.1.1. How many sales needed to produce your desired daily/monthly/yearly income?

6.1.2. Know conversion rates

6.1.3. Know goal traffic levels

6.2. BLOG DAILY (8 Core Committments)

6.2.1. create content

6.2.2. clarify thinking through: Words Audios Images VIdeos

6.3. Invite list subscribers to training

6.3.1. LIVE

6.3.2. Weekly

6.3.3. Tell them to buy something

6.3.4. Schedule within next 7days

6.4. Behave as thought you believe