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Peer Observation создатель Mind Map: Peer Observation

1. Procedures

1.1. Written narrative

1.1.1. Involves a narrative account of the lesson. The language used should be objective and precise, and any form of evaluation should be avoided.

1.2. Field notes

1.2.1. Brief descriptions in note form of key events that occurred throughout the lesson

1.3. Checklists

1.3.1. Structured inventory that lists the features of a lesson

2. Implementation

2.1. Select a colleague

2.2. Complete the observation using the procedures that were agreed upon.

2.3. post-observation session

2.4. Decide on observation procedures to be used and arrange a schedule for the observations.

3. Advantages

3.1. It provides an opportunity to share ideas and expertise

3.2. It gives teachers the opportunity to learn together in a comfortable environment.

3.3. Social benefits for both teachers

3.4. self-awareness of one's own teaching.

3.5. It improves teaching and learning

4. Definition

4.1. Peer observation refers to a teacher or other observer closely watching and monitoring a language lesson or part of a lesson in order to gain an under- standing of some aspect of teaching, learning, or classroom interaction.