Is your body and mind prepared for sleep?

Venture Labs Creativity Assignment "Challenge Assumptions 2". Brainstorm 100 creative ideas to our question about Sleep. Team "San Jose Creative Peeps 2"

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Is your body and mind prepared for sleep? создатель Mind Map: Is your body and mind prepared for sleep?

1. During the day

1.1. Stay Hydrated

1.2. Spend time in the sun

1.3. Train pets not to scratch at bedroom door

1.4. Take herbal remedies to reduce heat flashes

1.5. Stop dancing 2 hours before bedtime

1.6. Don't over commit! Realistic time commitments

1.7. "Good time management - prioritize, say no, etc"

1.8. Workout during the day

1.9. Wash sheets often

2. Environment/ambiance

2.1. Get Black out shades

2.2. Make sure no lights in bedroom from electronics/chargers

2.3. "Darken room for sleeping - close blinds,etc"

2.4. Keep humidity in bedroom at an appropriate level for sleep

2.5. Keep bedroom at cool temperature for sleeping

2.6. Get fresh air in bedroom

2.7. Clean your bedroom environment!

2.8. Use a sound machine to block noises and signal sleep

2.9. Listen to calm music or nature sounds

2.10. Lavender in your pillowcase (aromatherapy)

3. Mental (before bed)

3.1. Boundaries - leave work at work

3.2. Tell bedtime stories

3.3. Address problems or conflicts with people (don't go to bed angry)

3.4. End evening with quiet conversation with friends

3.5. Meditation (get your mind off stresses)

3.6. Mindfulness (pay attention to sleep prep tasks)

3.7. Read calming (boring?) book before bed to clear and ease mind

3.8. Write "sleep" on a piece of paper

4. Physical

4.1. Take a walk to clear your mind

4.2. Consciously relax all your muscles

4.3. Accupressure

4.4. Sex

4.5. Ensure that nasal passageway is open for easier breathing.

4.6. Reflexology to release tension and prepare body for rest

4.7. Accupuncture

4.8. Yoga

4.9. Scalp massage

4.10. Foot massage

4.11. Hot shower

4.12. Take a bath

4.13. Sauna and steam room

4.14. Hot tub

4.15. "Long, deep stretching to prepare your muscles for sleep"

4.16. Massage

4.17. Yawn - release jaw tension

4.18. Laugh

5. Random

5.1. "If you have a baby, breastfeed! The hormones help you sleep."

6. Tools

6.1. Invest in a great pillow and mattress

6.2. Use pillow that supports head and neck in natural curvature

6.3. Use mattress that supports spine in natural curvature

6.4. Specialized pillows

6.5. Warm Blankets

6.6. Layers so you can adjust temperature

6.7. Ear plugs

6.8. Wear sleep mask

6.9. Speaker for under pillow for music/audiobooks

6.10. Track sleep cycles with Zeo or iPhone app

6.11. "Take a foot-warmer to bed (hot water bottle, sock of microwave-warmed rice)"

6.12. Use high thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets

6.13. "On cold nights, keep your head warm with a warm cap"

7. electronics

7.1. Turn off the computer

7.2. Don't watch tv within 1 hour of bedtime

7.3. Remove cell phone from room

7.4. Turn off all electronics 1 hour before bedtime

7.5. Do not use illuminated devices 1 hour before bed

8. Food/drink/medicine

8.1. Take ZzzQuil (NyQuil without cold medicine)

8.2. 5HTP (sleep aide)

8.3. Take melatonin to regulate sleep

8.4. Eat turkey (Tryptophan)

8.5. Don't drink liquid 1 hour before bedtime

8.6. Eat dinner so you are not hungry

8.7. Drink a glass of wine

8.8. Drink herbal tea

8.9. No caffeine close to bedtime

8.10. Drink warm milk

8.11. Finish eating 3 hours before bedtime so digestion is done

9. Mental (in bed)

9.1. Use meditation and/or prayer to ease mind of worries

9.2. Trace letters of alphabet backwards to fall asleep

9.3. Count to 1000 (you'll fall asleep before you finish)

9.4. "Visualization - imagine yourself relaxing somewhere else (beach, cabin, etc)"

9.5. Focus on deep breathing

10. Proactive anxiety reduction

10.1. Keep noisy animals away from your bedroom

10.2. Set multiple alarm clocks (reduce worries that you won't wake up in time)

10.3. Don't let kids sleep in your bed

10.4. Write in a journal

10.5. Set a house alarm to ease your mind at night

11. Strategic bedtime rituals

11.1. Create bedtime routines that tell your body and mind it is time to sleep

11.2. Don't go into the bedroom until ready for bed

11.3. Pick out clothes night before - more time to sleep

11.4. Wear pajamas or have particular clothes for bed that signal sleep

11.5. Put your to-do list on paper before you sleep to get it out of your brain

11.6. Have someone read to you

11.7. Go to bed when you are tired

11.8. "Lock the door, feed the cat = prepare"

11.9. Finish tasks early - leave time for transition

11.10. Go outside - moon/stars/nature soothes

11.11. Listen to music at the rate of your heartbeat

11.12. Bed reserved only for sleep and sex.

11.13. Switching from contact lenses to glasses - to signal change to bedtime

11.14. Listen to audiobooks (calming ones)

11.15. Go to bed at the same time every night

11.16. "Make bed precisely, so sheets and blankets line up every night"

11.17. Go to bed at same time as partner