Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop CS6

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Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop CS6 создатель Mind Map: Photo Editing in  Adobe Photoshop CS6

1. Introduction

1.1. Photoshop is for photos

1.2. Different tools for different tasks

1.3. Raster vs Vector

2. About color

2.1. RBG 8bit

2.2. R+G and so on

2.3. CMY... K?

2.4. Conversion issues

3. About resolution

3.1. DPI vs Pixel dimension

3.2. Increasing DPI = decreasing size

3.3. myths about 72 and 300

3.4. Pixels vs Dots

4. Layers

4.1. Top>Down hiearachy

4.2. Visibility

4.3. Locking Layers

4.4. Creating Layers

4.5. Grouping Layers

5. Working with pictures

5.1. Getting images in from the web

5.2. Conforming Image Size to Layer Size

5.3. Image Size vs Canvas Size

5.4. Free Transform > Scale and Rotate

5.5. Free Transform > Distort

6. Smart Objects

6.1. Smart Object / Layer / Filter

6.2. Smart vs Non-Smart (demo)

7. Adjustment Layers (part 1)

7.1. Hue/Saturation

7.2. Adjustment Layer vs Image > Adjustments

7.3. Spot color change (range selection)

8. Intro to brushes

8.1. Creating new blank documents

8.2. Foreground / Background color

8.3. Brush tip selection

8.4. Draw a lion

9. Workspace

9.1. Undo / Redo

9.2. History panel

9.3. Docked vs Floating panels

10. Layer Mask

10.1. Masking Adjustment Layers

10.2. Masking solid layers

10.3. Outlining items

10.4. Cat on the Car

11. Adjustment Layers (part 2)

11.1. Clipping Adjustments

11.2. Stop signs

12. Visual effects

12.1. Creating photorealistic shadows

12.2. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur

12.3. Opacity

13. Text

13.1. Big Thin vs Small Bold

13.2. Positioning

13.3. Picking the right font

13.4. Layer Style > Drop Shadow

13.5. Layer Style > Drop Shadow

13.6. Opacity vs Fill

14. Saving and Exporting

14.1. JPEG

14.2. PNG 8 vs PNG 24

14.3. TIFF

14.4. PSD

14.5. GIF