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Basic term создатель Mind Map: Basic term

1. Basic term1

1.1. Evaluation

1.1.1. making a judgement of the value or worth or meaning of an activity, event or body or information

1.1.2. is a process of gathering information -> in order to give comment or draw conclusion about learner / subjects/ the fields in education based on assigned objectives

1.2. test

1.2.1. any systematic procedure for sampling behavior, skill, knowledge,

1.2.2. New Topic

1.3. Measurement

2. Scope

2.1. Included

2.2. Excluded

3. Risks

3.1. Risk

3.2. Risk

3.3. Risk

3.4. Other

4. Overview

4.1. Key People

4.2. Description

4.3. Background

4.4. Key Stakeholders

5. Objectives

5.1. Objective

5.2. Objective

6. Constraints

6.1. Budget

6.2. People

6.3. Assets