Анализ социальных сетей (Social Network Analysis)
создатель Semenov Alexander
1. Примеры
1.1. Republic of Letters
1.2. Les Miserables
1.2.1. Matrix
1.2.2. Graph
1.2.3. Interactive
1.3. Amazon Books
1.4. Graphing the history of philosophy
1.5. The Graph Of Ideas
1.6. Movie Galaxies
1.7. Visualizing Meaning
1.8. Map of Science
1.9. 100 Hours of Wikipedia activity for Sendai earthquake
1.10. Visualizing the Genealogy of Jesus
1.11. What Science Lovers Link to Most
2. Основы
2.1. Узлы
2.1.1. 1-mode
2.1.2. 2-mode
2.2. Связи
2.2.1. Directed/Undirected
2.2.2. Binary/Weighted
2.3. Данные
2.3.1. Matrix
2.3.2. Edgelist
2.3.3. Nodelist
3. Показатели
3.1. Centrality
3.1.1. Eigenvector/PageRank
3.1.2. Betweenness
3.1.3. Closeness
3.1.4. Degree
4. Инструменты
4.1. Анализ и визуализация
4.1.1. NodeXL
4.1.2. Gephi
4.2. Данные
4.2.1. Facebook NameGenWeb
4.2.2. Vkontakte Yasiv