Goldsteins's Laughter Out of Place Chapter 2 & 3

Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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Goldsteins's Laughter Out of Place Chapter 2 & 3 создатель Mind Map: Goldsteins's Laughter Out of Place Chapter 2 & 3

1. Brazilians have made their race unique!

1.1. Compared to the United States, Brazil sees race differently. In America, there is the dichotomous view of black and white.

2. Brazilian Socioeconomic Status

2.1. Upper/Middle Class

2.1.1. Have more access to education in Brazil.

2.1.2. Not enough people within the Upper/Middle classes to employ the lower class

2.1.3. Dona Beth - Gloria works in her kitchen. Her daughter writes her a letter describing how she wants to be more independent.

2.2. Lower Class

2.2.1. Soneca and Gloria find this situation so ironic because in their case it's the mother that typically wants the independence from the children.

2.2.2. Due to the fact that they work long days to provide for their families, they are not able to spend a lot of time with their family

2.3. Favelas, Domestic Workers

3. Humor

4. Brazilian Culture

4.1. People may be uncomfortable to speak about race and racism in Brazil

4.2. Brazilians use appearance as a measure of deciding race.

4.3. Lighter skinned individuals are believed to be able to succeed more.

4.4. Race enforces the separation of individuals

4.4.1. Introduction - why are you writing about this?

4.4.2. Subhead 1

4.4.3. Subhead 2

4.4.4. Subhead 3

4.4.5. Conclusion - what summarizes what is most interesting about your topic?

4.5. Poverty is seen as a socioeconomic problem rather than a race problem.

5. Wages

5.1. Wages include getting paid for 5 wages when working a 6 day work week or getting paid as low as 1 to 2 minimum wages per month

6. Race

6.1. Black

6.1.1. Lower Class

6.2. White

6.2.1. Upper Class

6.3. Mixed

7. Theories

7.1. Gilman made the point of how the perception of prostitution in the late 19th century was merged with the perception of the black body in art, literature and science and how representations of the black body came to define black sexuality as something exotic.

7.2. Fry notes that Brazilians see their races and a composition of multiple races rather than just as black or white,

7.3. Harris brings up the point that Brazilians made attribute your class to your race.