Laughter out of place Chapters 4&5

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Laughter out of place Chapters 4&5 создатель Mind Map: Laughter out of place     Chapters 4&5

1. Children

1.1. Over 20,000 living in the streets

1.2. Funaben- Or[han and troubled children are sent here and mistreated

1.2.1. Cash

1.2.2. Overcrowded and dirty

1.3. Young girls are more likely to be attacked

2. Violence

2.1. Depending on who is running the gang depends how dangerous it is

2.2. Violence is different for different people. Age, race, and gender play a key role on violent acts.

2.3. Middle class have security guards at home

2.4. Earplugs

3. Gangs

3.1. Offer a place to belong

3.1.1. Extra Batteries

3.2. Pedro Paulo

3.2.1. Extra Batteries

3.2.2. Memory Extra Memory

3.3. Important to the community

3.4. Police work with local gangs

4. Interviened with community issus

5. Protection from other gangs