Goldstein's Laughter Out of Place Chapter 4 and 5

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Goldstein's Laughter Out of Place Chapter 4 and 5 создатель Mind Map: Goldstein's Laughter Out of Place Chapter 4 and 5

1. Violence

1.1. Gangs

1.1.1. More sympathetic profile than police

1.1.2. Play a role in providing justice

1.1.3. Protect the Favelas from outsiders

1.1.4. Believe that the police are corrupt

1.2. Violence is unequally distributed in Rio to the poor neighborhoods and the Shatytowns.

1.2.1. Violence is very high in these areas.

1.2.2. Favelas are seen as high crime areas that are controlled by Drug Traffickers

1.3. Upper and Middle Class have little exposure to the type of violence that is seen by the lower class

1.3.1. Unaware of the violence that is prevalent between the poor and the police

1.4. Drug Chiefs serve an important role as they can provide housing and money in inopportune times

2. Theories

2.1. Burgois

2.1.1. Saw low paid service work as a form of slavery

2.2. Zaluar

2.2.1. Gang culture within Rio is considered Organized Crime, but it does not have the centralization

2.3. Cardia

2.3.1. Female and Males of the same age group are affected by violence. Range is from 15-24 years of age

2.3.2. 22 boys dies for each girl

2.4. Holloway

2.4.1. Police Units developed in the 19th century as slavery was coming to an end as a way to address the problem of disorder in the streets

3. Brazilian Race/Class

3.1. Gloria

3.1.1. Son : Pedro Paulo In Prison Gloria went to visit him with Goldstein and told him that Goldstein was her "filha branca" (white daughter) Was confused by Goldstein because he wasn't sure if his mother actually gave birth to someone so white

3.2. Upper and Middle class individuals now hide themselves from the low classes in order to protect themselves

3.3. Favelas are home to the lower classes which consists of criminals, but also the domestic workers that are employed by members of the upper class

3.4. Lower class have to learn to survive

4. Brazilian Government

4.1. Police