Lean Test Plan & Strategy Template

This template was created to help Software Testers and QA Engineers quickly and easily get started in using mind maps to create a Test Plan and Test Strategy for their project. Created by Brittany Stewart from QualityWorks Consulting Group

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Lean Test Plan & Strategy Template создатель Mind Map: Lean Test Plan & Strategy Template

1. Your Project Name

1.1. Team

1.1.1. Enter your team members and their roles

1.2. Deliverables

1.2.1. Enter your project deliverables Eg: Test plan, Test cases

1.3. Testing Types

1.3.1. Enter testing types Eg: Functional Test, API Test

1.4. Test Environments

1.4.1. Enter your Development Environment link

1.4.2. Enter your Staging Environment link

1.4.3. Enter your Production Environment link

1.5. Testing Tools

1.5.1. Enter testing tools Eg: QualityWatcher

1.6. Platforms

1.6.1. Enter Web Browsers Eg: Chrome, Safari, Edge

1.6.2. Enter Mobile Devices Eg: iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S9

1.7. Definition of Done

1.7.1. Feature List

1.7.2. Product Coverage Outline

1.8. Automation Strategy

1.8.1. Risk Analysis Limitations Eg: Time & QA Resources Risks Stability and creations of environments

1.8.2. Reporting Eg: Allure Reporting Tool

1.8.3. Code Managerment Eg: Gitlab

1.8.4. API Automation Framework Eg: Data Driven Approach

1.8.5. Front-End Automation Framework Web Eg: Webdriver.io, Cypress.io Mobile Eg: Appium

1.8.6. Automation Execution Eg: Regression suite executed twice daily using a Jenkins job in the QA Environment