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Pacific Parrotlets создатель Mind Map: Pacific Parrotlets

1. Personal Experience

1.1. Julio

1.1.1. Before Julio, my family had a Cockatiel named Raymond but I don't remember him very well Got him when he was a couple months old, so we did not fully train him

1.1.2. Dark green with blue around his eyes

1.1.3. Only fully bonded with my mom Kind of avoided new people or "attacked" them I was occasionally scared of holding him as he would bite ears for no reason

1.1.4. Preferred sitting on shoulders or getting rubs than playing Not very active

1.2. Walter

1.2.1. My family got Walter when I was much older, so the experience of having a bird is very different from when I was a kid Got Walter 2 years ago, while he was only a couple weeks old We were able to fully train him and get him used to people

1.2.2. Light blue with royal blue wings and tail

1.2.3. Bonded with both my mom and I Gets excited, and is open to new people Only gently nips in order to get attention or while playing Fully used to being handled and enjoys being held

1.2.4. Very active and playful Uses all the toys, playground and random household objects that we've given him Still sleeps/naps a lot

1.2.5. Enjoys routines Such as bedtime, brushing teeth, maing coffee, etc.

2. Specific Traits

2.1. Feisty

2.1.1. Big attitudes

2.1.2. Can become moody like a teenager Sassy at times, and will face away or go back to their cages if angry at someone

2.1.3. Will run and attempt to bite if they feel threatened

2.2. Affectionate

2.2.1. Really enjoy being held and receiving rubs if raised that way

2.2.2. Love feeling enclosed By hands, blankets, in a box, etc.

2.2.3. Can learn to give kisses

2.2.4. Learn or pick up specific noises for specific people

2.3. Intelligent

2.3.1. Pick up on patterns and words Will respond to their names May know when they're being put back in their cages and attempt to fly away

2.3.2. Learns voices, names, and even sounds of specific footsteps

2.4. Bold

2.4.1. Are quite fearless and will think they're much larger than they are

2.4.2. Can fly long distances May fly into a window or out a door

3. Fun Facts

3.1. The parrots with the most attitude

3.1.1. Become jealous easily

3.2. Social creatures

3.2.1. Require interaction to survive, or they can become depressed or even pass away due to loneliness

3.3. Can be taught to talk with a lot of training

3.3.1. Ability to mimic noises is much easier for them to learn

3.4. Their coloring designates their gender

3.4.1. Males are typically fully coloured with green or blue feathers

3.4.2. Females typically only have color around their eyes

3.5. Large appetite with a fast metabolism

3.6. Nicknamed the Pocket Parrot

4. General Knowledge

4.1. Belong to the parrot family

4.1.1. As implied by the name Are the closest relative of Amazon Parrots

4.2. Originated in South America

4.2.1. Found in Ecuador, and Peru

4.3. Require 3+ hours of attention per day

4.3.1. Although you can have multiple, it is best that they have separate cages and they will still require the human interaction

4.4. Diet

4.4.1. They are omnivores Mainly feed on seeds, fruits, vegetables and any human food they can find

4.5. Height

4.5.1. Average of 4.7-5 inches

4.5.2. Average of 4.3-5.5 inches long

4.6. Lifespan

4.6.1. Average of 20 years Can live up to 25-30

4.6.2. Live much longer in captivity than in the wild

5. Parrotlets as Pets

5.1. Males are thought to make for better pets than female

5.1.1. Females are more nippy

5.1.2. Males are more talkative and playful

5.2. They are talkative but aren't very loud

5.2.1. Are silent at night, as they pick up the same sleep cycle as their owners

5.3. Great learning tool for kids to teach responsibility

5.3.1. Should be trained against biting first as it can be painful if they bite hard

5.4. Are a great combination of introverted and extroverted

5.4.1. Are able to be independent

5.4.2. Both affectionate and playful