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Presentations/Talks создатель Mind Map: Presentations/Talks

1. Selected Presentations to introduce Ouishare

2. One page information

2.1. The Connected Paradigm - one pager

3. [Template] Master Presentation

4. Projects Portfolio

5. Future of Work

5.1. Demain tous (inter)dependants

5.2. The future of orgs - 0.5 hours

5.3. OuiShare as a decentralised organisation

6. Future of Organisations

6.1. The Networked Paradigm - 15 min

6.2. New Operating Systems - 10 min

6.3. The Future of Organizations - Slidedeck

6.3.1. Extended Version for Decathlon Vision Days

6.4. Purpose Key-note - 15 min

7. The New Power - 1 hour

7.1. EN

7.2. ES

8. 4 ingredients