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Книга Power of Full Engagement создатель Mind Map: Книга Power of Full Engagement

1. Ритуалы для затрат и восстановлени энергии

1.1. These ranged from sixty seconds of deep breathing to putting on a Walkman and listening to a favorite song; from making a quick call home to check in and connect with a spouse or a child to walking up and down four flights of stairs; from playing a video game on the computer screen to eating an energy bar. The more scheduled and systematic these rituals became, the more re- newal they provided.

1.2. When a ritual begins to feel empty, stale and even oppressive, the likely explanation is that it has lost its connection to deeply held values.

2. Честно оценить свое поведие

2.1. Opening to the truth about ourselves cre- ates freedom.

2.1.1. "Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow," says the Tao Te Ching.

2.2. We will inevitably fall short and even violate our values at times. But rather than denying our shortcomings and missteps, by acknowledg- ing them we can learn from them.

2.3. "Every form of addiction is bad," wrote Carl Jung, "no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism."

2.4. На 156 странице есть список вопросов

2.5. На сайте есть full engagement inventory

2.6. Think for a moment of someone you actively dislike. What quality in that per- son do you find most objectionable? Now ask yourself, "How am I that?"

2.7. Facing the truth frees up energy and is the second stage, after defining purpose, in becoming more fully engaged

2.8. At the most basic level, we deceive ourselves in order to protect our self-esteem.

3. Смысл (purpose)

3.1. Purpose creates a destination.

3.2. We become fully engaged only when we care deeply, when we feel that what we are doing really matters.

3.3. The Hero's Journey

3.3.1. Call to Adventure. The hero's journey begins when something awakens us to the need for change—illumination, discomfort, pain.

3.3.2. Once we accept the call, he said, we push forward into the unknown.

3.3.3. Along the way we face doubt, uncertainty, fear and hardship.

3.3.4. At some point, we realize that we can- not make the journey alone, and we seek help from a "mentor."

3.3.5. A series of tests push us to the brink of giving up, but in the "Supreme Ordeal" we finally slay the dragon—facing down the dark- ness within ourselves, calling on previously untapped potentials and creating meaning where it did not previously exist.

3.3.6. We celebrate and acknowledge this accomplishment, but the process does not end there. Living out our purpose is a lifelong challenge

3.3.7. The journey continues and the true hero is always awaiting the next call to adventure

3.4. man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked

3.4.1. From what we get in life, we make a living. From what we give, we make a life.

3.5. Purpose becomes a more powerful and enduring source of energy in our lives in three ways: when its source moves from negative to positive, external to internal and self to others.

3.6. Делать каждое утро ревью своих ценностей


3.7.1. The point is that we feel more passion for and derive more pleasure from doing what we freely choose and most enjoy.


3.8.1. The challenge we all face is to find ways to use the workplace as a forum in which to express and embody our deepest values.


3.9.1. Happiness, in turn, has been clearly associated with higher pro- ductivity.

3.10. Clarifying purpose takes time—quiet, uninterrupted time—which is something that many of us feel we simply do not have

3.11. It may help to think of energy devoted to these issues as an investment with the potential to deliver a high return over time—increased energy, fuller engagement, higher productivity and greater satisfaction.

3.12. You might begin your own inquiry very simply by giving some thought to the following question: "Is the life I am living worth what I am giving up to have it?"

3.13. Ценности

3.13.1. To begin to explore more deeply the values that are most compelling to you, we suggest that you set aside uninterrupted time to respond to the following questions: Jump ahead to the end of your life. What are the three most im- portant lessons you have learned and why are they so critical Think of someone that you deeply respect. Describe three qual- ities in this person that you most admire Who are you at your best? What one-sentence inscription would you like to see on yourtombstone that would capture who you really were in your life?

3.13.2. To be meaningful, a value must influence the choices that we make in our everyday lives.

3.13.3. The more we are committed to and guided by our values, the more powerful a source of energy they become

3.13.4. The next step is to define more precisely how we intend to embody the values in our daily lives—regardless of external pressures. For example: "I demonstrate the value of generosity by investing energy in others, without expectation that I will receive anything in return, and by my willingness to put the agendas of those I care about ahead of my own, even if it means inconveniencing myself at times."

3.13.5. A value in action is a virtue.

3.13.6. Values hold us to a different standard for managing energy. We do what makes us feel good in the moment or fills a hole or lessens our pain


3.14.1. The next step in defining purpose is to create a vision for how we intend to invest our energy

4. Духовная энергия

4.1. Вспомогательные мускулы

4.1.1. Passion

4.1.2. Commitment

4.1.3. Integrity

4.1.4. Honesty

4.2. Наша мотивация

4.2.1. видос в эту тему

4.3. Наличие Цели очень важно

4.3.1. Если связывать с Целью свои текущие действия, то мотивация становиться огромной

4.4. основной мускул это:

4.4.1. The key muscle that fuels spiritual energy is character—the courage and conviction to live by our values, even when doing so requires personal sacrifice and hardship.

4.5. Spiritual renewal, on the other hand, comes from feeling inspired by and reconnected to our sense of purpose and our deepest values.

4.5.1. Some activities generate considerable spiritual renewal without demanding significant energy expenditure. These include walking in nature, reading an inspirational book, listening to music, or hearing a great speaker.

4.5.2. Spiritual practices, by contrast, can be renewing and de- manding at the same time. Meditation, for example, requires mobiliz- ing highly focused attention to quiet the mind, but may also prompt a rejuvenating experience of expansive openness, connectedness and even joy. At a more basic level, devoting time and energy to our children can be both a spiritual "practice"—sacrificing our own pressing needs for theirs—and also a rich source of renewal, emotion- ally and spiritually The same is true of all service to others, which in- volves considerable effort and even inconvenience, but may also provide a profound source of meaning and deep satisfaction. Prayer, too, requires the effort of concentration and contempla- tion, but can also serve as a source of emotional and spiritual comfort.

4.6. Expanding spiritual capacity requires subordinating our own needs to something beyond our self-interest

5. Ментальная энергия

5.1. he told his staff that he was less interested in how much time they devoted to their jobs than in the quality of energy they brought to their tasks.

5.2. Realistic optimism

5.2.1. a paradoxical notion that implies seeing the world as it is, but always working positively toward a desired outcome or solution.

5.3. Сфокусированность

5.4. Креативное мышление

5.4.1. thinking aside Перкрляция

5.5. Заниматься йогой днем?

5.6. Нужно тренировать выходя за пределы и потом давать отдых!

6. Эмоциональная энергия

6.1. "мускулы", которые нужно тренировать

6.1.1. уверенность в себе

6.1.2. самокртроль

6.1.3. социальные навыки - эффективное взаимодействие с людьми Sandwich technic

6.1.4. эмпатия

6.1.5. вторичные терпение открытость доверие удовольствие

6.2. For leaders and managers, negative emotions are doubly insidious, because they are so infectious. If we are prompting fear, anger and defensiveness in others, we progressively undermine their ability to perform effectively

6.3. вывод: когда ты в плохом настроении, нужно остановиться и не делать ничего, пока ты не востановишься.

6.3.1. всё то, что будешь делать в плохом настроении будет сделано хуже

6.3.2. особенно нельзя участвовать в митингах, так как это выжигает других участников митинга

6.3.3. Люди хорошо работают с тобой, если ты восстанавливаешь энергию других людей.

6.4. Think for a moment about your own life. How many hours a week do you de- vote to activities purely for the pleasure and renewal they provide? What percentage of the time would you describe yourself as feeling deeply relaxed? When was the last time you truly let go and felt fully disconnected?

6.5. Как тренироваться?

6.5.1. Нужны ритуалы, которые усиливают то, чего не хватает

6.5.2. Нужно делать то, что плохо получается

6.6. Эмоциональная энергия бывает позитивная и негативная.

6.6.1. Полезна позитивная

7. Физическая энергия

7.1. Источники

7.1.1. Что и когда мы едим It is important to eat foods that are low on the glycemic index, which measures the speed with which sugar from specific foods is released into the bloodstream Foods high in fats, sugar and simple carbohydrates provide recovery, but in a much less efficient and energy-rich form than low-fat proteins and complex carbohydrates such as vegetables and grains. The low- glycemic breakfast foods that provide the highest octane and longest lasting source of energy, for example, include whole grains, proteins and low-glycemic fruits such as strawberries, pears, grapefruit and ap- ples Орехи, фрукты, энергетические батончики, цельное зерно, обычный йогурт Eating breakfast is critically important. It not only in- creases blood glucose levels, but also jump-starts metabolism. Eating five to six low calorie, highly nutritious "meals" a day insures a steady resupply of energy. Snaks between meals should typically be between 100 and 150 calories and once again should focus on low-glycemic foods such as nuts and sun- flower seeds, fruits, or half of a typical-size 200 calorie energy bar. Because our energy requirements tend to diminish as evening approaches and our metab- olism slows, it makes sense to eat more calories earlier in the day and fewer in the evening. Так же важно пить правильно Желательно пить регулярно и в среднем 5 стаканов воды в день Или 64 унции воды в день - это около 1,8 литра Кофе, чай и газировки не помогают. Они как высоко гликоговая еда - дают только кратковременный буст и оставляют тебя иссушенным

7.1.2. Как мы дышим Extending the exhalation, for example, prompts a powerful wave of recovery. Breathing in to a count of three and out to a count of six, lowers arousal and quiets not just the body but also the mind and the emotions. Deep, smooth and rhythmic breathing is simultaneously a source of energy, alertness and focus as well as of relaxation, stillness and quiet—the ultimate healthy pulse.

7.1.3. Состояние к которому мы восстанавливаемся в итоге дня

7.1.4. Фитнес Делать днем упражнения для восстановления энергии Interval training is a means by which to build more energy capacityand to tolerate more stress, but also to teach the body to recover more efficiently. More recently, however, in a joint study conducted by Harvard and Columbia Universities, researchers found that a series of short doses of intense aerobic activity—each one sixty seconds or less—followed by complete aerobic recovery, had a pro- found positive impact on participants. The typical recommended exercise protocol is twenty to thirty minutes of continuous exercise, three to five days a week, at 60 to 85 percent of maximum heart rate. когда тренируешь, твоя задача, по сути дела, научить организм справлять со стрессом. То есть достигать какого-то уровня нагрузки (75-90 от максимального пульса), какое-то время держать его (1 минуту), а потом отдыхать, снижая до нормального уровня сердцебиение Виды тренировок Кардиоваскулярные тренировки Тренировки на силу

7.1.5. Количество и качество сна Спать надо от 7 до 8 часов в день Спать 40--60 минут после обеда, то есть в 3-4 часа дня

7.2. Нужно постоянно отслеживать свое состояние - кардиоваскулярная диагностика

8. Если запросы окружающей среды возрастают, а запас энергии нет?

8.1. Надо искать возможность стресса, но за ним должно следовать соответствующее восстановление!

8.1.1. We grow at all levelsby expending energy beyond our normal limits, and then recovering.

8.1.2. Expanding capacity requiresa willingness to endure short-term discomfort in the service oflong-term reward.

8.1.3. Когда мы чувствует себя не в зоне комфорта, то мы склонны тратить энергию на само защиту. Поэтом важно контролировать уровень риска и ли комфорта в своей жизни

8.2. Это надо систематически, как атлет который тренируется для соревнований

9. Важно поддерживать циклы затраты и восстановления

9.1. Средняя длинна базового цикла 60-90 минут

9.1.1. В начале идет нарастание эффективности

9.1.2. После 60 минут обычно спад

9.1.3. После 90 нет точно надо делать перерыв Скушать что-нибудь Прогуляться По заниматься легким спортом

9.2. Если тратить всю энергию и не востанавливаться, то не будет хватать сил и все будет плохо

9.3. Если не достаточно тратить энергию, то мышцы будут атрофироваться

9.4. The opposite of oscillation is linearity: too much energy expenditure without recovery or too much recovery without sufficient energy expenditure.

9.5. karoshi - смерть от перерасхода энергии без соответствующего восстановления

10. Важно управлять энергией, а не временем

10.1. задача лидера в том, чтобы обеспечивать высокий уровень энергии в команде

10.2. полное вовлечение - позволяет быть максимально производительным

10.2.1. для полного вовлечения важно помнить 4ре принципа Есть 4 источника энергии Физическая Эмоциональная Психическая Духовная Важно балансировать восполнение и расход энергии Чтобы увеличить максимальный запас энергии нам нужн регулярно делать больше, чем нам кажется возможным. Но потом отдыхать. Как это делают атлеты. Для восполнения энергии важно использовать ритуалы позитивной энергии

10.3. Чтобы сделать устойчивое изменений в своей жизни нужно минимум пройти через 3 этапа

10.3.1. Определить цель (зачем?)

10.3.2. Определить как оно есть сейчас

10.3.3. Предпринять действие

11. практические выводы для организации работы в командах

11.1. физическая энергия

11.1.1. договориться, что во время дейли надо вставать и прогуливаться

11.1.2. люди должны заниматься спортом и надо им в этом помогать, подталкивать их например, сделать возможным делиться результатами своих спортивных достижений

11.2. ритмичность

11.2.1. встречи бить на части по циклам

11.3. можно вывозить целые команды для обучения и саморазвития,

11.4. Книга Built to Last