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Entorno de aprendizaje Tic en lenguas extrajeras создатель Mind Map: Entorno de aprendizaje Tic en lenguas extrajeras

1. Lots of benefits

1.1. Better student understanding

1.2. Major interest

1.3. Acquisition of ICT knowledge

1.4. Flexibility for students

1.5. personalized learning

2. New learning style

2.1. Use of tools that strengthen performance

2.2. Use of intuitive and fun technologies

2.3. Use of content in the Cloud, enhancing the investigative process

2.4. Collaboration and communication between students

3. Reading

3.1. Online dictionary

3.2. Wiki

3.3. Blog /professional blog

3.4. SNS

3.5. Learning Snacks

3.6. Games

4. Listening

4.1. Podcasts

4.2. Videoconferencing

4.3. You Tube as audio/video sharing library

4.4. SNS

4.5. Games

5. Writing

5.1. Blog

5.2. Online journal

5.3. Quizlet

5.4. Learning Snacks

5.5. SNS

5.6. Padlet

6. Speaking

6.1. Videoconferencing

6.2. Webinar

6.3. SNS

7. New Skills Acquired

7.1. Autonomy

7.2. Self learning

7.3. Use of Web 2.0