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Mindmeister создатель Mind Map: Mindmeister

1. What is the purpose of 'Mindmeister'?

1.1. It allows you to create a mind map electronically and links ideas together

1.2. It allows you to use a layout which is comofortable to you and one you will understand with the information presented

1.3. It allows you to shared more easily between many people

1.4. It can be used for personal use, like a list or for revision, or for group use, as each group member can contribute to the overall mind map.

2. Learning

2.1. Lessons

2.1.1. Grammar

2.1.2. Vocabulary

2.2. Share data

2.2.1. lessons

2.2.2. articles

2.3. Take note

2.3.1. Presentations

2.3.2. Lectures

2.4. Note tasks

2.4.1. Writings/Assignments

2.4.2. Priority

2.4.3. Completion

2.4.4. Due date

2.4.5. Assigned to

3. Teaching

3.1. Grammar

3.1.1. Form

3.1.2. Usage

3.1.3. Example

3.2. Vocabulary

3.2.1. Noun

3.2.2. Verb

3.2.3. Adjective

3.3. Timetable

3.3.1. Monday

3.3.2. Tuesday

3.3.3. Wednesday

4. Research

4.1. Design scheme

4.2. Brainstorming

4.3. Take note