Benefits of Google Docs

Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Benefits of Google Docs создатель Mind Map: Benefits of Google Docs

1. Teaching

1.1. collecting information

1.2. sharing documents, information...

1.3. collecting assignments

1.3.1. easy to give feedback

1.3.2. allow to edit without signing in

1.4. exchanging ideas

2. Research

2.1. Investing data

2.2. sharing ideas

2.3. useful tools

2.3.1. collaboration support

2.3.2. autosaving your research or project

2.4. consulting

3. Studying

3.1. Group works, pair works

3.1.1. save time

3.1.2. easy to share ideas

3.2. sharing with other people

3.2.1. information

3.2.2. documents

3.2.3. files

3.3. creative tools

3.3.1. adding video

3.3.2. insert photo